-a : (-ar verb) suffix for present tense; (-ar verb) suffix for imperative; alternative adjective ending instead of -o.
a : (letter) a.
a : (prep) (direction) to, at.
abajo : (adv) down, below; ABAJO! (Get down!) Duck!
abandonar : (tr) to leave; to abandon.
abeia : bee.
abertura : opening, hole; orifice; ~ ELE’CTRICA electric outlet.
a’bil : skillful; capable.
abilida’ : skill; capability.
a’bito : habit.
-able : (-ar verb) suffix meaning able to receive action of verb.
-ablida’ : (-ar verb) suffix for ability to receive action of verb.
abojadura : (n) dent.
abojar : (v) to dent.
abonamento : subscription.
abonar se (a) : (a magazine, etc.) to subscribe (to).
abondansa : wealth, abundance.
abortar : (intentionally) to abort; ~ ACSIDENTALMENTE to miscarry.
aborto : (intentional) abortion; ~ ACSIDENTAL miscarriage.
abrasar : (v) to hug.
abraso : (n) hug.
abrer : to open.
abreviar : to abbreviate; to compress.
abrido : (adj) open.
abril : April.
abrita : (action) opening.
absensa : absence; SENTER LA ~ DE (emotionally) to miss.
absente : (adj) absent; away.
absorber : to absorb; to suck.
absorbido : (adj) intent; absorbed.
aci’ : here; ~ ES here is, here are.
acirer : to acquire.
acompaniar : to accompany; ~ FRECUENTEMENTE to associate with, to hang around with.
acreditar : to credit.
acsento : (manner of speaking) accent; ~ SCRIVIDO accent mark; ~ TO’NICO stress accent.
acseso : access.
acsidental : accidental.
acsidente : accident.
acsion : action, act, deed; ~ DE BORSA share of stock.
activado : switched on, turned on, on; activated.
activar : to switch on, to turn on; to activate.
acto : (theatrical) act.
actual : (adj) current.
acuario : aquarium.
acumular : to accumulate, to save; to pile (up); ~ VERTICALMENTE to stack.
acumulasion : (n) accumulation; pile; ~ VERTICAL (n) stack.
acusar : to accuse.
acusasion : (n) accusation, charge.
adaptar (se) (a) : to adjust (to), to adapt (to).
adentro : (adv) (to the inside) inside; (prep) ~ DE (to the inside of) inside.
aderente : sticky.
aderer : (intr) to adhere, to stick; FASER ~ (tr) to make adhere, to stick.
-adero : (-ar verb) suffix for a place for the action of the verb.
adevante : (adv) forward.
adio’ : goodbye.
adision : addition.
adisional : extra.
adisionar : to add (on).
admirador : admirer, fan.
admirar : to admire.
-ado : (-ar verb) suffix for past participle and corresponding adjective; (-ar verb) suffix for receiver of action.
adolesente : adolescent.
-ador : (-ar verb) suffix for habitual or professional doer.
-adora : (-ar verb) suffix for instrument, device, or tool.
adorar : (v) to worship.
adorasion : (n) worship.
adulto : adult, grown-up.
adverbio : adverb.
adversario : opponent.
aeroporto : airport.
afecsion : affection.
afectuoso : affectionate.
afirmar : to assert, to claim.
afirmasion : (n) assertion, claim.
afora : (adv) (to the outside) out, outside; ~ DI (prep) (to the outside of) out (of), outside (of).
A’frica : Africa.
agajar se : to squat.
agno’stico : agnostic.
agosto : (month) August.
agresivo : agressive.
agrimesura : (measurement of land) survey.
agro : sour.
agua : water.
agudo : sharp.
agu’ia : needle.
aieri : yesterday.
aio : garlic.
aiuda : (n) help.
aiudar : to help.
aj : (letter) h.
aja : axe.
ajensa : agency.
ajente : agent.
ajer : to have an effect, to act; ~ EN to have an effect on, to act on.
ajetivo : adjective.
ajitar : to shake; ~ SUO MANO to wave (one’s hand); ~ SE to shake, to tremble.
al : (singular) to the {See: a; See: el}.
ala : (n) wing.
ala’ : there.
alarmar : to alert.
alarme : (n) alert.
Albania : Albania.
albergadero : lodging, shelter; inn.
albergar : to shelter; ~ SE to take shelter, to lodge.
albricoce : apricot.
alcalino : alkaline.
alcol : alcohol.
alegrar : to gladden; ~ SE to be glad, to rejoice; ~ SE DE {infinitive} to be glad to {infinitive}; ~ SE DE CE to be glad that.
alegre : joyful, happy.
Alemania : Germany.
alerji’a : allergy.
ale’rjico : allergic.
alguno (or alguna) : (singular) some, a; ~ TIPO (DE) some kind (of).
algunos (or algunas) : (plural) some.
alimentar : (to give food to) to feed.
alimenteri’a : (store) grocery.
alimento : food; (for animals) (n) feed; ALIMENTOS groceries, foods.
alma : soul.
alo’ : hello, hi.
alpilete : (n) pin.
alternar : to alternate.
altida’ : (tallness) height.
altitude : (geological) altitude, elevation, height.
alto : high; tall; ALTO! (Halt!) Stop!
aluminio : aluminum, aluminium.
amante : lover.
amar : to love.
amarilo : yellow.
ambiente : environment; surroundings.
ambos : both.
ambulansa : ambulance.
ame’noce : (conj) unless.
Ame’rica : America; LAS AME’RICAS the Americas.
amerindio : (Native American) American Indian.
amigo : (n) friend; (adj) friendly; UN ~ MIO a friend of mine.
amor : (n) love; FASER EL ~ to make love.
amplida’ : width.
amplo : wide, broad.
analfabetismo : illiteracy.
analfabeto : illiterate.
analisar : (v) to analyse.
ana’lisi : analysis.
ana’logo : analogous.
ananase : pineapple.
anarci’a : anarchy.
a’nate : (n) (bird) duck.
anca : hip.
andar {irregular present and imperative tenses: va} : to go; ~ A LA DERIVA to drift; ~ A OTRA PARTE to go away; ~ AL FONDO to sink; ~ A LA SUPERFISE to surface, to go to the surface; ~ ARRETRO to go backwards, to back up; ~ DE COMPRAS to shop, to go shopping.
-ando : (-ar verb) suffix for present participle.
anelo : (n) (jewelry) ring.
anfibio : amphibian.
anfitrion : (person) host.
a’ngulo : corner; angle; ~ RECTO right angle.
angusto : (adj) narrow; thin.
animal : animal; ~ DOME’STICO (n) pet.
animalete : tiny animal; bug.
animista : Animist.
anio : year; EL ~ NOVO New Year’s; EL DI’A DEL ~ NOVO New Year’s Day; LA VIJILIA DEL ~ NOVO New Year’s Eve; TENER … ANIOS to be … years old.
aniversario : anniversary.
a’njel : angel.
ano : anus.
-ano : suffix for inhabitant or member (based on place or organization).
anotar : to note, to write down.
anotasion : annotation, note.
-ansa : (-ar verb) suffix for abstract idea (formed from verb).
ansestral : (n) ancestor; (adj) ancestral.
Anta’rtica : Antarctica.
-ante : (-ar verb) suffix for active adjective from verb.
antes : (adv) before; ~ CE (conj) before; ~ DE (prep) (time) before; ~ DE LA ORA NORMAL before the expected time, early.
antigo : ancient.
antipasto : appetizer, hors-d’oeuvre.
antipa’tico : (adj) mean, unpleasant.
anunsiar : to advertise; to announce.
anunsio : advertisement; announcement.
aora : now.
aparato : apparatus, set.
aparensa : (n) (look) appearance.
aparer : (to look) to appear.
apareser : (to show up) to appear.
aparision : (showing up) appearance.
apartamento : apartment.
aparte : apart; ~ DE apart from.
apartener (a) {irregular present and imperative tenses: apartiene} : to belong (to).
apartiene : See: apartener.
apati’a : apathy.
apa’tico : apathetic.
apelo : (n) appeal; FASER UN ~ to make an appeal.
apena : (a moment ago) just.
ape’ndise : appendix.
apendisiti : appendicitis.
aperitivo : aperitif.
apoiar : (physically, from below) to support; ~ SE SOBRA to lean on.
apoio : (n) support.
apopleji’a : (disease) stroke.
aportar : to bring, to retrieve, to fetch.
apo’strofo : (mark) apostrophe.
aprender (a) : to learn (to).
apresiar : to value, to appreciate.
apresiasion : appreciation.
aprocsimadamente : approximately, about.
aprocsimar : to approximate; ~ SE (A) to approach, to come closer (to).
aprovar : to approve.
aprovasion : approval.
apto : (adj) apt, fit.
apuntar : (weapon) to aim.
-ar : (-ar verb) suffix for infinitive.
ar : (land measurement) are.
-ara’ : (-ar verb) suffix for future tense.
Arabia Saudita : Saudi Arabia.
aradora : (n) plow, plough.
arania : spider.
aranja : (n) (fruit) orange; ~ MANDARINA (fruit) tangerine.
aranjado : (adj) orange, orange-colored.
arar : to plow, to plough.
a’rbitro : referee.
a’rbore : tree.
arbusto : bush, shrub.
arco : arch; (for arrows) bow; ~ IRIS rainbow.
arder : to burn.
ardita : (n) burning, burn.
are : air.
arena : sand.
argumentar : to reason, to argue.
argumento : reasoning, argument.
-ari’a : (-ar verb) suffix for conditional.
Arjentina : Argentina.
arjento : silver.
arjila : clay.
arjivero : computer drive.
arjivo : computer directory, folder; archive.
arma : arm, weapon; ~ DE FOGO gun, firearm.
armado : armed.
armadura : framework, frame.
armar : to arm.
armario : closet; cupboard.
arrestar : to arrest.
arresto : (n) arrest.
arretro : (adv) backwards, back.
arrivar : to arrive; ~ EN to arrive in, to arrive at, to reach; ~ EN PORTO to arrive in port, to dock.
arrivata : arrival.
arrose : rice.
arte : art.
articulasion : hinge; joint.
arti’culo : article.
artifisial : artificial.
artileri’a : artillery.
asa : (n) (for moving something) handle.
asasinar : to murder.
asasino : murderer.
asegurar : to insure.
asegurasion : insurance.
asender : to ascend, to go up; to climb (up).
asensor : (n) elevator, lift.
aseptar : to accept.
aserbo : (adj) bitter.
asfalto : (n) asphalt, tar.
asi’ : like this; like that; thus, so; ~ CLAMADO so-called.
Asia : Asia.
a’sido : acid.
asiero : steel.
asima : (adv) up, above.
asimilar (se) : to assimilate.
asno : donkey.
asosiasion : association, league, club.
aspa’rago : asparagus.
asperjar : to spray; to sprinkle.
a’spero : (adj) rough.
aspersion : (n) spraying; sprinkling.
aspiradora : vacuum cleaner.
aspirar : to sniff.
asta : (prep) until; up to; ~ CE (conj) until; ~ LA VISTA! See you later!
asterisco : (pointed shape) star; asterisk.
asteroide : asteroid.
astro : heavenly body, astronomical object.
asu’caro : sugar.
asur : blue.
-ata : (-ar verb) suffix for an instance of the action of the verb.
atacar : to attack, to assault.
atace : (n) assault; attack; ~ I VIOLENSA assault and battery.
atei’sta : atheist.
atendedor de infantes : babysitter.
atender : to take care of; to attend (to).
atension : attention, attentiveness; care.
atento : attentive.
a’tico : attic.
atleta : athlete.
atle’tica : athletics.
atmosfera : atmosphere.
ato’mico : atomic.
a’tomo : atom.
aton : tuna.
atracsion : attraction.
atraer {irregular past participle: atrai’do} : to attract.
atrai’do : See: atraer.
atra’s : (adv) (direction) behind; ~ DE (prep) behind.
atrave’s : (adv) across; (prep) across; through; ~ TODO(S) throughout.
atravesar : to cross.
audase : bold.
audasida’ : boldness, nerve.
aumentar : (tr) to increase, to add to; ~ SE (intr) to increase.
aumento : (n) increase; ~ DE SALARIO pay increase, raise.
auricular : earphone.
aurora : (n) dawn.
ausiliar : auxiliary.
Australia : Australia.
Austria : Austria.
auto : auto, automobile, car.
autobu’s : bus; AUTOBUSES buses.
automa’tico : automatic.
automo’bil : auto, automobile, car.
autor : author.
autorida’ : authority, power.
autorisar : to authorize.
autovi’a : freeway; highway.
-ava : (-ar verb) suffix for imperfect tense.
avalanja : avalanche; ~ DE TERRA landslide.
avansar : to advance, to move forward.
avansata : (n) advancement, moving forward.
avari’a : breakdown.
avarida’ : greed.
avaro : (adj) greedy, miserly.
ave : (n) bird; (v) there is, there are; (used in perfect tense) have, has {done something}; ~ UN RUMOR CE… it’s rumored that….
avena : oats.
aventura : (n) adventure.
aver : there to be; (used in perfect tenses) to have {done something}.
avera’ : there will be; (used in future perfect) will have {done something}.
averi’a : there would be; (used in conditional perfect) would have {done something}.
aversion : (n) dislike; SENTER ~ DE to dislike {See: desplaser}.
avertensa : warning.
averter : to warn.
aveva : there was, there were; (used in pluperfect) had {done something}.
avion : aircraft, airplane; ~ DE REACSION jet airplane.
avisar : to inform, to let know.
aviso : (n) notice; message.
avocato : lawyer.
bacterias : (plural) bacteria.
bagaje : suitcase; BAGAJES baggage, luggage.
bagatela : toy.
baia : berry.
bajar : to lower.
bajo : low; (in height) short.
bala : (n) bullet.
balansar (se) : (v) to swing; to oscillate.
balde : bucket.
balena : whale.
balon : balloon.
bambu’ : bamboo.
banana : (fruit) banana.
bananera : banana plant.
banca : bench.
banco : (financial) bank.
bandeja : (shallow dish) tray.
bandera : flag.
baniar (se) : to bathe.
baniero : bathtub.
banio : bath.
bar : bar, pub.
barba : beard.
barberi’a : barbershop.
barbero : barber.
barca : boat.
baril : barrel.
barra : rod, bar.
barrera : barrier.
barricada : barricade.
base : base.
bastante : (adj) enough, sufficient; (adv) enough, sufficiently; BASTANTES (plural) enough.
bastar : to be enough.
baston : (n) stick, club.
bataia : (n) battle.
bater : to hit, to beat, to strike; ~ CON EL PIE to kick; ~ EN to knock on.
batita : (n) beating.
be : b.
bebe’ : baby.
Be’ljica : Belgium.
belo : beautiful; good-looking; handsome; pretty.
ben : (interjection) well.
bence : (conj) although, even though.
bendaje : (n) bandage; PONER UN ~ EN to bandage, to put a bandage on.
bendiser : (to wish good upon) to bless.
bene’volo : (benevolent) kind, nice.
benvener {irregular present and imperative tenses: benviene} : to welcome.
benvenido : (adj) welcome.
benviene : See: benvener.
besar : to kiss.
beso : (n) kiss.
bever : to drink; ~ DI EL SENO (intr) to suckle, to nurse.
bevida : (n) drink; ~ SINSA ALCOL soft drink.
biblioteca : library.
bico : beak.
bien : (adv) okay; well; (healthy) well, fine; STAR ~ to be well.
bifteca : steak, beefsteak.
bileto : (paper money) bill.
biliar : (billiards) pool.
biliete : ticket.
binoclos : binoculars.
bir : beer.
bisicleta : bicycle.
bito : (data) bit.
blanco : white.
blata : cockroach.
bloco : (solid flat-surfaced mass of material) block; ~ DE ARJILA (DURA) brick.
blusa : blouse.
bobina : (cylinder for winding) spool; reel.
boca : mouth.
bola : ball.
bolsa : bag; (handbag) pocketbook, purse.
bolseta (en el vestimento) : pocket.
bomba : (n) bomb.
bombardar : to bomb; to bombard.
bombon : (a piece of) candy; BOMBONES candy.
bono : good, fine; BONA NOTJE! Good night!; BONO DI’A! Good day!; BONO JORNO! Good day!
bordo : edge; rim.
borsa : stock market.
boteia : bottle, jug.
boton : button; (on a keyboard) key; (of a plant) bud.
botonero : keyboard.
bove : bovine; ox; BOVES cattle, bovines; PELE DE ~ (n) leather; DE PELE DE ~ (adj) leather.
Brasil : Brazil.
braso : (n) (body part) arm; ~ INFERIOR forearm.
breve : (brief in time) short.
brilante : (with much light) bright.
brilar : (intr) to shine, to glow.
brilo : (n) shine.
brindar : (to someone’s health, etc.) to toast.
brindis : (n) (to someone’s health, etc.) toast; BRI’NDISES toasts.
broja : (n) brush; ~ DENTAL toothbrush.
brojar : to brush.
bronciti : bronchitis.
bronsado : (adj) tan.
bronsadura : (n) (result of tanning) suntan, tan.
bronsar se : to get a suntan.
bronsata : (process) tanning, tan.
bronse : (n) bronze.
bruma : fog; mist.
brumoso : foggy.
bruno : brown.
budista : Buddhist.
bulbulia : (n) bubble.
buler : to boil.
Bulgaria : Bulgaria.
burgo : village.
burla : practical joke, trick.
burlar : to play a joke (on).
buro’ : office, bureau; ~ POSTAL post office.
burro : butter.
busca : (n) search.
buscar : to look (for), to search (for), to seek.
bu’sola : compass.
ca : (letter) k.
ca : A ~ to the house of; EN ~ at the house of.
cabesa : head.
cabro : goat.
cacauete : peanut.
cada : every, each; ~ UNO each one; ~ TRES DI’AS every third day.
cadena : chain.
cader : (intr) to fall, to drop.
cadita : (n) fall, drop.
cafe’ : coffee.
caja : box, case; chest, trunk; ~ POSTAL mailbox.
calabasa : squash; gourd.
calcular : to calculate, to reckon; ~ EL TE’RMINO MEDIANO to calculate the average.
ca’lculo : calculation.
calideto : (adj) warm.
ca’lido : (adj) hot; SER ~ to be hot.
calma : (n) calm, quiet.
calmado : (adj) calm, quiet, still.
calmar : (tr) to calm, to quiet; ~ SE to quiet oneself down, to calm oneself down.
calor : (n) heat; TENER ~ to be hot.
caloradora : heater.
calorar : to heat.
caloroso : hot.
calsadura : shoe.
calsar (se) : to put shoes on.
calseta : sock; stocking.
ca’mara : room; ~ DE STUDIO (n) (room) study.
camaron : shrimp.
cambiar : (tr) to change; (a check) to cash; (gear) to shift; ~ … EN to change … into; ~ SE (intr) to change; ~ SE DE IDEA to change one’s mind.
cambio : (n) change.
ca’mera : camera.
caminar : to walk.
caminata : (n) walk.
camino : road, street, path; ~ DE PIE sidewalk.
camion : truck.
camisa : shirt.
camiseta : undershirt.
campana : (n) bell.
campania : (n) campaign; FASER ~ to campaign.
campo : countryside, country; (n) range, reach; field; EL ~ SILVESTRE the wild, the bush.
camposanto : cemetery, graveyard.
ca’nabe : hemp.
Canada’ : Canada.
canal : channel; canal.
candela : candle.
candidato : candidate.
cane : dog.
canon : cannon.
ca’nser : (disease) cancer.
canson : song.
cantar : to sing.
Ca’nuca : Chanukah.
capase : able.
capasida’ : ability.
capasitar : to enable.
capital : (n) (economic) capital.
capitale : capital city.
capitular : to surrender, to capitulate.
capitulasion : (n) (capitulation) surrender.
capi’tulo : chapter.
capo’ : (cover of an engine) hood.
caprijo : whim.
capturado : (n) (that which is caught) catch.
capturadora : trap.
capturar : to capture, to catch.
capturata : (n) capture.
capujo : (for head) hood.
carbon : coal; carbon.
caresia : (n) caress.
caresiar : to caress, to stroke.
carga : (n) load.
cargar : to load.
caricatura : (drawing) cartoon; ~ ANIMADA animated cartoon.
carne : meat; ~ DE BOVE beef; ~ DE POIO (meat) chicken; ~ DE OVINO mutton.
caro : dear.
carota : carrot.
carreta : cart.
carrosa : (pulled by animal) carriage; parade float.
carta : card; ~ DE CRE’DITO credit card.
carton : cardboard.
cartujo : cartridge.
casa : (n) house; home; A ~ (to one’s) home; EN ~ at home.
casco : helmet.
caserola : pan.
casete : cassette.
casiero : (n) cashier.
caso : (instance) case.
castelo : castle.
castigar : to punish.
castigo : punishment.
cata’logo : (n) catalog, catalogue.
categori’a : category, class.
catjador : hunter.
catjar : to hunt.
catjata : (n) hunt.
cato’lico : Catholic.
causa : (n) cause.
causar : to cause.
cautela : (n) caution, care.
cauteloso : cautious, careful.
cautju’ : (material) rubber.
cavalo : horse.
caverna : (n) cave.
cavilia : ankle.
ce : (letter) c.
ce : what; (conj) that; (prep, conj) than; (relative pronoun) that, which; ~ TIPO (DE) what kind (of); ~ SORPRESA! What a surprise!
cejo : cheese.
cerer {irregular present and imperative tenses: ciere} : to want; to intend, to mean {to do something}.
cien : who; whom; PE ~ whom.
-ciera : suffix for -ever; CIENCIERA whoever.
ciere : See: cerer.
cilo- : kilo-.
cilo : kilogram.
ciloersio : kilohertz.
cilogramo : kilogram.
cilometro : kilometer.
cilovatio : kilowatt.
ci’mica : chemistry.
cimicista : chemist.
ci’mico : chemical.
citansa : receipt.
clacson : (vehicle’s) horn.
clamar : (to refer to by name as) to call; to summon, to call.
clamata : (n) (summoning) call.
clarificar (se) : to clear (up).
claro : (adj) clear; (not dark) light.
clase : (school) class.
clasificar : (v) to sort.
clave : (n) key; wrench, spanner; SERRAR CON ~ to lock.
clavinglesa : monkey wrench.
clavo : (for carpentry) nail.
cle’rigo : clergyperson.
clicar : to click; ~ DOS VESES to double-click.
clicata : (n) click; DOS CLICATAS (RA’PIDAS) a double-click.
cliente : customer; (n) (medical) patient.
cloaca : sewage system, sewer.
clube : (n) club.
cocai’na : cocaine.
coda : (n) tail.
co’digo : (rules) code.
codo : elbow.
codon : cotton.
col : cabbage.
cola : (n) glue, paste; FASER ADERER CON ~ to glue, to paste.
colar : (n) collar.
colecsion : (group of things) collection, set.
colecsionar : (to make a collection) to collect.
colera : (disease) cholera.
co’lera : (n) anger.
colerar : to make angry; ~ SE to get angry.
cole’rico : angry.
colero : necklace.
colider con : to collide with, to bump into, crash into, to hit.
colo : neck.
Colombia : Colombia.
colonia : colony.
colonisar : (v) to colonize.
color : (n) color; ~ DE ARANJA (n) (color) orange; DE ~ DE ARANJA (adj) orange.
colorar : to color.
coluna : (support) post; column.
comandar : to command, to order; ELI ME COMANDO’ A FASER LO He ordered me to do it.
comandata : (n) order.
comando : (n) command.
combater : to fight.
combustible : (n) fuel; PONER ~ EN to fuel.
comensando en : starting in, since.
comensar : to start, to begin.
comensata : (n) beginning, start.
comentar : (v) to comment (on).
comentario : (n) comment.
comersiante : merchant.
comersiar : to do business, to trade.
comersio : commerce, business, trade.
cometa : comet.
cometer : to commit; ~ UN ERROR to make a mistake.
co’mico : funny, comic, humorous.
comision : (group) committee; commission.
como : how; (conj) as; (prep) like; ~ SI as if, as though.
comociera (ce) : any way (that), however.
comoda : (commode) toilet.
comodida’ : comfort, ease.
co’modo : comfortable.
compani’a : business, company, firm.
comparar : to compare.
comparasion : comparison.
compartimento : compartment.
competer : to compete.
competision : competition.
competitivo : competitive.
completamente : completely, quite; NO ~ not quite, not completely.
completar : to complete, fulfill; ~ UNA PROMESA to keep a promise.
completo : (adj) complete; fulfilled; whole.
complimentar : to compliment.
complimento : (n) compliment.
comportamento : behavior; ~ CONVENENTE proper behavior, etiquette.
comportar se : to behave, to act.
compra : (n) purchase, buy.
comprar : to buy, to purchase.
comprender : to understand.
comprimedora : (machine for squeezing) press.
comprimer : (a button) to push; to press; to compress; to squeeze; to crush.
comprimita : (n) squeeze; press.
comprometer : to commit; ~ SE to commit oneself, to make a commitment.
compromiso : commitment.
computadora : computer.
computar : to compute.
comun : common; TENER EN ~ to have in common.
comunicar : to communicate; ~ RELIJOSAMENTE (a Dio, etse’tera) to pray.
comunicasion : communication; ~ RELIJOSA (a Dio, etse’tera) prayer.
comunida’ : community.
con : with; by means of; ~ SON FORTE loud, loudly; ~ VOSE FORTE loud, loudly.
co’ncavo : concave.
concordar : to agree.
concordia : (n) agreement.
concupisensa : (n) lust.
condenado : condemned; damned.
condenar : to condemn; to damn.
condenasion : condemnation; damnation.
condensar : to condense.
condimentar : (food) to season.
condimento : condiment; dressing; seasoning; spice.
condision : condition, state; condition, stipulation; A ~ CE (conj) provided (that), if.
condisional : conditional.
condolente : (adj) (condolent) sorry.
condoler se : to be sorry, to be condolent; IO ME CONDOLE I’m sorry, my condolences.
conduser : to lead, to conduct; (vehicle) to drive.
condusita : (n) (in vehicle) drive.
conecsion : connection.
conectar : to connect.
coneio : rabbit.
confesar : to confess.
confesion : confession.
confidansa : (n) trust.
confidar : to trust; to rely on, to depend on.
confiscar : (v) to confiscate.
conflito : (n) conflict.
conforme a : (prep) according to.
confunder : (v) to confuse.
confusion : confusion.
congreso : congress.
conja : seashell.
conjestion : (n) crowding; congestion; ~ DE TRA’FICO traffic jam, traffic congestion.
conjestionado : crowded.
conjestionar : to crowd.
conjetura : (n) guess.
conjeturar : to guess.
conjugar : to conjugate.
conjugasion : conjugation.
conjunsion : conjunction.
conoser : to be acquainted with, to know; to recognize.
conosimento : knowledge {of something}; familiarity {with something or someone}; recognition of {something or someone}.
conseger : to obtain, to get.
conseiar : to advise.
conseio : advice; tip.
conselio : (group) board.
conserva : (food) jelly.
conservador : conservative.
conservar : to conserve, to save; to preserve.
considerar : to consider.
considerasion : consideration.
consiensa : consciousness, awareness.
consiente : conscious, aware; SER ~ (DE) to be aware (of).
consister de : to consist of.
consolar : to console, to comfort.
consolasion : (n) consolation, comfort.
consonante : (n) consonant.
consultar : to consult.
consumedor : consumer.
consumer : to consume; to exhaust, to use up.
contabilida’ : accounting.
contable : accountant.
contactar : to contact; to reach.
contacto : contact.
contadora : (device for counting) meter.
contajoso : contagious.
contaminar : to pollute, to contaminate.
contaminasion : pollution, contamination.
contar : to count.
contata : (n) count.
contenedora : container.
contener {irregular present and imperative tenses: contiene} : to contain.
contento : (adj) content, happy, satisfied.
contiene : See: contener.
continente : continent.
continu’a : See: continuar.
continuar {irregular present and imperative tenses: continu’a} : to continue; (followed by progressive tense) to still be {doing something}.
continuasion : continuation.
continuo : constant; continual.
conto : account.
contorser (se) : to wriggle, to wiggle.
contra : (prep) against.
contrabando : contraband; TRASPORTAR COMO ~ to smuggle; TRASPORTASION DE ~ (n) smuggling.
contraer (se) {irregular past participle: contrai’do} : to shrink, to contract.
contrai’do : See: contraer.
contrario : contrary, opposite; AL ~ on the contrary.
contrasepsion : contraception.
contraseptivo : contraceptive.
contratar : to contract, to make a contract with.
contrato : (n) (agreement) contract.
control : (n) (knob, button, switch, etc.) control; ~ REMOTO remote control.
convecso : convex.
convenente : (adj) appropriate, fitting, suitable.
convener {irregular present and imperative tenses: conviene} : to be appropriate, to be suitable.
convenser : to convince.
convension : convention.
conversar : to converse.
conversasion : conversation.
convicsion : (moral) belief.
conviene : See: convener.
convulsion : (n) convulsion, fit, attack.
copa : wineglass; (trophy) cup.
copia : (n) copy; ~ DE SECURIDA’ (n) backup copy (of data).
copiar : to copy; ~ PAR SECURIDA’ (data) to backup.
copular (con) : to have sex (with), to copulate (with).
coraje : courage.
corajoso : brave, courageous.
corda : rope.
cordeta : string.
core : heart.
Corea del Norte : North Korea.
Corea del Sude : South Korea.
corjera : (tree) cork.
corjo : (wood) cork; CUBREDORA DE ~ (stopper) cork.
corno : (animal’s) horn.
corpo : body.
correctamente : correctly, right.
correcto : correct, right.
correia : strap; (to control animals) leash.
correr : to run.
correspondensa : (match) correspondence.
corresponder : to correspond, to match; ~ A to correspond to, to fit, to match; ~ CON to correspond with, to match.
corridorio : hall, corridor.
corriente : (n) current; flow.
corrita : (n) run; ~ COMPETITIVA (competitive) race.
cortado : (adj) cut.
cortadora : scissors.
cortar : to cut; to clip; ~ EN PIESAS to slice.
cortata : (n) cutting; ~ DE PELO haircut, cutting of hair; ~ DE UNGIAS manicure.
corte : court; courtyard.
cortese : polite.
cortina : curtain.
corto : (adj) (in length) short.
cosa : thing; ALGUNA ~ something; NENGUNA ~ nothing; TODAS LAS COSAS everything.
coscripsion : (military) conscription, draft.
coscriver : (military) to draft.
cosina : kitchen; cuisine.
cosinadero : kitchen.
cosinar : to cook; ~ AL FORNO to bake.
cospirar : to conspire, to plot.
cospirasion : (n) conspiracy, plot.
costa : (of sea or lake) shore; coast.
costar : to cost.
costela : rib.
costipar se : to catch cold.
costipasion : (disease) cold.
costitusion : constitution.
costo : (n) cost; price; ~ POSTAL postage.
costoso : expensive.
costrucsion : (act of constructing) construction, building.
costru’e : See: costruer.
costruer {irregular present and imperative tenses: costru’e} : to construct, to build.
costume : custom; DE ~ customary; customarily.
costura : sewing.
costurar : to sew.
coteleta : cutlet.
covarde : coward; cowardly.
covertura : (covers) blanket.
covre : copper.
cranio : skull.
cravata : necktie, tie.
crear : (children, etc.) to bring up, to raise.
credensa : (believed to be true) belief.
creder : (to have an opinion) to think; to believe.
cre’dito : (n) credit.
crema : cream; ~ PAR RASURAR shaving cream.
creser : (intr) to grow; to develop.
cresimento : growth, growing; development.
cribadora : (n) mesh, screen.
cribar : to sift, to screen.
crico : (for lifting) jack; ELEVAR CON UN ~ to jack up.
crime : crime.
criminal : criminal.
crisi : crisis.
cristiano : Christian.
criterio : criterion, standard.
cri’tica : (from a critic) criticism; (n) review.
criticar : (as a critic) to criticize; to review.
cri’tico : (n) critic; (adj) critical.
cronometrar : to time, to measure the time of.
crudo : raw.
cruse : (n) (object with + shape) cross.
crustasio : crustacean.
cu : (letter) q.
cuaderno : notebook.
cuadrado : (shape) square.
cuadrar : to square.
cuadro : picture-frame.
cual : (interrogative, singular) which.
cualce : any; ~ COSA anything; ~ OTRA COSA anything else; ~ PERSONA anyone.
cuales : (interrogative, plural) which.
cualida’ : quality; character.
cuando : when.
cuantida’ : quantity.
cuanto : how much; (followed by adjective or adverb) how.
cuantos : how many.
cuarenta : forty.
cuarente’simo : (ordinal) fortieth.
cuarentieme : (fraction) fortieth.
cuarto : (fraction) quarter, fourth.
cuasi : almost, nearly.
cuatre’simo : (ordinal) fourth.
cuatrieme : (fraction) quarter, fourth.
cuatro : four.
Cuba : Cuba.
cubar : (math) to cube.
cubo : (n) cube.
cubredora : (n) lid, top, cover.
cubrer : to cover.
cuciara : spoon.
cuestion : (affair, business) matter.
cujin : pillow, cushion.
cujinero : pillowcase.
culpa : (n) (blame) fault.
culpable : (adj) guilty, to blame.
culpar : to blame.
cultivadero : (n) farm.
cultivador : farmer.
cultivados : crops.
cultivar : (tr) (crops) to cultivate, to grow, to raise.
cultivasion : cultivation.
cultura : culture.
cuo {stressed on the u} : (singular) whose {The singularity refers to possessions, not to possessors.}.
cuos {stressed on the u} : (plural) whose {The plurality refers to possessions, not to possessors.}.
cuota : quota.
cupon : coupon.
curar : (the sick) to nurse; (medically) to treat.
curva : (n) curve.
curvar : to curve, to bend.
cusina : (female) cousin.
cusine : (regardless of gender) cousin.
cusino : (male) cousin.
cutelo : knife.
dados : (for games) dice.
dama : lady.
Danamarca : Denmark.
dansa : (n) dance.
dansar : to dance.
dar : to give.
data : (day, month, and year) date.
dato : datum; DATOS data.
de : (letter) d.
de : (prep) of; concerning, about, regarding {See: di}.
de’bil : weak.
decalitro : decaliter.
declarar : to state, to declare.
declarasion : statement, declaration.
declive : (n) slope; TENER UN ~ (intr) to slope.
decorar : to decorate.
decorasion : decoration.
dedo : finger; ~ DEL PIE toe.
defecar : to defecate.
defecto : defect, fault; blemish.
defender : to defend.
defensa : (n) defense.
definer : to define.
definision : definition.
deforme : (adj) ugly.
del : (singular) of the {See: de; See: el}.
delantal : apron.
delicado : delicate.
delta : delta.
demase : (excessively) too, too much; (an excessive amount of) too much; ~ POCO (adv) too little; ~ POCOS too few.
demases : too many.
demente : insane, crazy, demented.
dementida’ : insanity.
democrasi’a : democracy.
democra’tico : democratic.
demostrar : to demonstrate, to prove.
demostrasion : demonstration, proof.
densida’ : density; DE POCA ~ (not dense) thin.
denso : dense.
dente : tooth.
dentro : (adv) (on the inside) inside; ~ DE (prep) (on the inside of) inside, within.
depender (de) : to depend (on).
depo’is : (adv) after, afterwards, later; (prep) after, since; ~ CE (conj) after, since.
depositar : to store; to keep, to put away; to deposit.
depo’sito : storage area.
dereta : (n) (not left) right; A ~ (adv) (not to the left) to the right.
deretista : (right-wing) rightist.
dereto : (adj) (not left) right.
deriva : drifting; ANDAR A LA ~ to drift.
derrocar : (v) to overthrow.
des- : prefix for undoing.
desactivado : switched off, turned off, off; deactivated.
desactivar : to switch off, to turn off; to deactivate.
descartar : to throw away, to discard.
desconectar : to disconnect.
desconosido : (adj) unfamiliar; PERSONA DESCONOSIDA stranger.
descripsion : description.
descriver : to describe.
descubrer : to discover, to find; to detect.
descubrido : (thing discovered) discovery.
descubrita : (action) discovery.
desdeniar : (v) to scorn.
desdenio : (n) scorn, contempt, disdain.
desencorajar : (v) to discourage.
desendente : descendant; offspring.
desender : to climb down, to get down, to descend, to go down.
deserto : (n) desert.
desfaser : (v) to undo.
desfilar : (v) to parade.
desfilata : (n) parade.
desibel : decibel.
desider : to decide.
desifrar : to decrypt.
desirar : to desire, to wish (for); ~ CON CONCUPISENSA to lust (after).
desirata : (n) desire, wish.
desision : decision.
desocupado : unemployed; unoccupied.
desocupasion : unemployment.
deso’rden : disorder.
desordenado : (adj) disorderly.
despelar : to skin.
desplaser : to displease.
despolvar : to dust, to remove dust from.
desrugadora : (n) (for clothing) iron.
desrugar : (to unwrinkle clothing) to iron.
destaponar : to unplug.
destinasion : destination.
destino : destiny; fate.
destitu’e : See: destituer.
destituer {irregular present and imperative tenses: destitu’e} : (to dismiss from a job) to fire.
destitusion : (n) (dismissal from a job) firing.
destrucsion : destruction.
destru’e : See: destruer.
destruer {irregular present and imperative tenses: destru’e} : to destroy; to ruin.
desvester (se) : to undress.
detaie : (n) retail.
detective : detective.
detener {irregular present and imperative tenses: detiene} : to detain; to arrest, to hold (in place).
deteriorar (se) : to wear off, to wear out, to wear, to deteriorate.
detiene : See: detener.
detra’s : (adv) (position) behind; ~ DE (prep) behind.
detrimentado : damaged, harmed.
detrimentar : to harm, to damage, to hurt.
detrimento : (n) damage, harm.
devante : (adv) in front; (prep) in front of.
devedor : debtor.
devener {irregular present and imperative tenses: deviene} : to become, to get.
dever : to have to, must, ought (to); (n) duty.
de’vida : debt.
deviene : See: devener.
di : (prep) from {See: de}.
di’a : (24 hours) day; ~ DE FESTA holiday, day of celebration.
diabete : diabetes.
diabe’tico : diabetic.
diagnosticar : to diagnose.
diagno’stico : diagnosis; diagnostic.
diagonal : diagonal.
diajunar : (v) to fast.
diajuno : (n) fast.
diario : (adj) daily.
diarrea : diarrhea.
dicsionario : dictionary; ~ DE SINO’NIMOS thesaurus.
dictador : dictator.
dies : ten.
diese’simo : (ordinal) tenth.
diesieme : (fraction) tenth.
dieta : (n) diet; SER A ~ to be on a diet.
difamar : to slander.
difamasion : (n) slander.
diferente : different.
diferer : to differ; to vary.
difi’sil : hard, difficult.
difisilmente : with difficulty.
digno : deserving, worthy; ~ DE CONFIDANSA trustworthy, responsible; SER ~ DE to deserve, to merit, to be worthy of.
dinero : money; ~ REAL cash.
dinosauro : dinosaur.
dio : god; DIO God.
diosa : goddess.
diploma : diploma; degree.
diplomasi’a : diplomacy; FUNSIONARIO DE ~ diplomat.
diploma’tico : diplomatic.
direcsion : direction; EN LA ~ DE toward; CAMINO DE UNA ~ one-way street; VIAJE DE UNA ~ one-way trip.
directamente : (adv) straight; ~ ADEVANTE straight ahead.
directo : (adj) direct.
director : manager; director.
directorio : directory.
dirijer : to administer, to manage; to direct.
disco : disc, disk; (circular control) dial.
discriminar : (to treat in a prejudiced way) to discriminate; ~ CONTRA to discriminate against.
discriminasion : (prejudiced treatment) discrimination.
discurso : (to an audience) speech.
discusion : (dispute) argument.
discuter : to argue about, to dispute.
disembre : December.
diseniar : to draw; to design.
disenio : (n) design; drawing.
diser : to say, to tell {something}; ~ UN GRASEJO to joke, to jest; ~ UN RACONTO to tell a story; ELI DISIO’ UN RACONTO A ME He told me a story.
disipar : to waste.
disipasion : (n) waste.
disolver (se) : to dissolve; to melt.
disparar : (to discharge a gun) to fire; ~ CONTRA to shoot at, to fire at.
disparo : (n) (from weapon) shot.
dispersar (se) : (v) to scatter; to disperse.
disponer : to arrange.
disponible : arrangeable; available.
disponido : arranged, prepared, in order.
disposision : arrangement.
disputa : (n) quarrel.
disputar : to quarrel.
distansa : distance.
distante : (adj) far, distant; MAS ~ (adj) farther.
distinger : to distinguish, to discriminate; IO NO PODE ~ I can’t tell, I can’t distinguish.
distinsion : distinction.
distribuer {present and imperative tenses: distribu’e} : to distribute, to deliver.
distribusion : distribution, delivery; ~ SPESIAL special delivery.
diversion : amusement, fun.
diversos : several.
diverter : to amuse; ~ SE to have fun.
divider : to divide, to part.
division : division.
divorsiado : divorced.
divorsiar : to divorce.
divorsio : (n) divorce.
doctor : doctor.
documento : document; ~ DE PROPRIEDA’ (document of ownership) deed.
doler : to ache, to hurt; MIO PIE ME DOLE My foot hurts.
dolor : (n) pain.
dome’stico : domestic.
dominar : to dominate; to boss.
domingo : Sunday.
domisilio : (n) home.
donar : to donate, to give as a gift.
donasion : (n) gift, present.
donde : where; A ~ to where; DI ~ from where.
donse : (conj) so, then, therefore.
dormer : to sleep; ~ LA SIESTA to nap.
dorso : (n) back, rear.
dos : two.
dose’simo : (ordinal) second.
dosieme : (n) (fraction) half.
dragon : (mythical serpent) dragon.
drenadora : (n) drain.
drenar : to drain.
droga : drug.
drogar : to drug.
drogeri’a : drugstore, pharmacy.
duana : custom-house.
dubiar : to doubt.
dubio : (n) doubt.
dujadora : (n) (device) shower.
dujar (se) : to shower.
dujata : (n) (action) shower.
dulse : (adj) sweet; (n) dessert.
dulses : (n) sweets, desserts.
durante : during; ~ CE (conj) while; ~ TODO(S) (timewise) throughout.
durar : (v) to last.
durasion : duration.
duro : firm, hard.
-e : (-er verb) suffix for present tense; (-er verb) suffix for imperative.
e : (conj) and {This may be used when it’s preceded or followed by an i}.
e : (letter) e.
ebrio : (adj) drunk; DEVENER ~ to get drunk.
ecilibrar (se) : to balance.
ecilibrio : (n) (equilibrium) balance.
eclipse : (n) eclipse.
ecoloji’a : ecology.
economi’a : economy.
econo’mico : inexpensive, cheap.
ecran : (for viewing) screen.
ecsame : (test) examination, exam.
ecsaminar : to examine, to check, to inspect.
ecsaminasion : inspection, examination, check, check-up.
ecse : (letter) x.
ecse- : (prefix meaning former) ex-.
ecsedente : surplus.
ecselente : excellent.
ecsepsion : exception.
ecsijensa : (n) demand; requirement.
ecsijer : to demand; to require.
ecsiliar : to exile.
ecsilio : (n) exile.
ecsistensa : existence.
ecsister : to exist; CE AVE ECSISTIDO (that has ever existed) ever.
ectar : hectare.
eda’ : age; DE LA ~ DE TRENTA ANIOS thirty years old.
-edero : (-er verb) suffix for a place for the action of the verb.
edifisio : (edifice, place) building.
edision : (n) edition, issue.
-edor : (-er verb) suffix for habitual or professional doer.
-edora : (-er verb) suffix for instrument, device, or tool.
educar : to educate.
educasion : education.
eficase : efficient.
egoi’smo : selfishness.
egoi’sta : selfish.
ejersisio : (n) exercise; practice; FASER ~ to exercise; FASER EJERSISIOS (DE) to rehearse, to practice.
eje’rsito : army.
Ejipto : Egypt.
-el- : suffix for juvenile creature.
el {or la} : (singular) the.
ela : she.
ela’stico : (adj) elastic.
elecsion : election.
ele’ctrico : electric.
electrisida’ : electricity.
electrodome’stico : household appliance.
electro’nico : electronic.
elegante : elegant.
elejer : to elect.
elemento : element.
eles : they.
elevar : to lift, to raise; ~ SE to get up, to arise; ~ SE A PIE to stand up.
elevata : (n) rise; raising.
eli : he.
elico’ptero : helicopter.
eliminar : to eliminate; to delete.
elio : helium.
Elios : (Earth’s sun) the sun, Sol.
e’lise : propeller; screw; helix.
elo : (subject pronoun) it.
elojar : to praise.
elojo : (n) praise.
embarasar : to embarrass.
embaraso : embarrassment.
embarasoso : embarrassing, awkward.
embarcadero : (n) dock.
embarcar : (v) to load onto a ship or boat; ~ SE to embark.
embroliar : (v) to tangle.
embrolio : (n) tangle.
emenda : (a piece used to repair a flaw) patch.
emendar : to patch.
emigrar : (v) to emigrate.
emision : emission; ~ DE GAS (gas emitted) exhaust.
emiter : to emit; to transmit.
empacetar : to wrap; to pack.
empeniar : to pawn.
empleado : employee; ~ DE BURO’ office clerk, office employee.
emplear : to employ; COMENSAR A ~ to hire, to begin to employ.
empleo : employment; job.
emportar : (to bring into a country) to import.
emprisonado : prisoner.
emprisonar : to jail, to imprison.
en : (prep) (location) at, in, on; (entering) into.
enamorada : (female sweetheart) girlfriend; (adj) in love, enamored.
enamorado : (male sweetheart) boyfriend; (adj) in love, enamored.
enamorar se : to fall in love.
encontrar : to meet, to encounter; IO LI ENCONTRO’ PRIMERO EN LA LIBRERI’A I first met him at the bookstore.
encorajamento : encouragement.
encorajar : to encourage.
endereso : address.
-endo : (-er verb) suffix for present participle.
enemigo : enemy.
enerji’a : energy.
ene’rjico : energetic, vigorous.
e’nfase : emphasis; DAR ~ A to emphasize.
enfa’tico : emphatic.
enfermar se : to become ill, to get sick.
enfermero : (n) nurse.
enfermida’ : disease, illness, sickness.
enfermo : (adj) ill, sick; (n) sick person; patient.
enganador : (n) cheater.
enganar : to cheat, to deceive; to trick.
engano : deception; trick.
engluter : to swallow.
engranaje : (toothed wheel) gear.
enigma : (n) riddle, enigma.
enrolar : to roll up; to wind (up).
-ensa : (-er verb) suffix for abstract idea (formed from verb).
ensalada : salad.
ensaladero : salad bowl.
enseniador : teacher.
enseniar : to teach.
ensinto : pregnant.
-ente : (-er verb) suffix for active adjective from verb.
ente : being; ~ UMANO human being.
entero : (adj) entire, whole.
enterrar : to bury.
entorno : (adv) around, about; ~ DE (prep) around, about.
entradero : (place) entrance.
entrar : to enter; ~ EN to enter into, to come into.
entrata : (action) entrance.
entre : among; between.
entrenador : (n) coach.
entrenamento : training.
entrenar : (tr) to coach, to train.
entrevista : (n) interview.
entrevistar : to interview.
entusiasmo : enthusiasm.
entusia’stico : enthusiastic.
envelope : envelope.
enve’s : (adv) instead; ~ DE (prep) instead of.
envi’a : See: enviar.
enviar {present and imperative tenses: envi’a} : to send; (in the mail) to mail, to post.
envidia : envy.
envidiar : to envy, to be jealous of.
envidioso : (envious) jealous.
-er : (-er verb) suffix for infinitive.
-era : suffix for tree or plant (based on fruit or vegetable).
-era’ : (-er verb) suffix for future tense.
era : See: ser.
erba : grass.
erbaje : lawn.
-eri’a : (-er verb) suffix for conditional; suffix for store (based on merchandise).
ermane : sibling.
erme’tico : (hermetically sealed) tight.
-ero : suffix for container.
eroe : hero.
eroi’n : (female hero) heroine.
eroi’na : (drug) heroin.
error : mistake, error; COMETER UN ~ to make a mistake.
-es : (after consonant) suffix for plural.
es : See: ser.
esactamente : exactly.
esacto : exact, accurate, precise.
escaladora : escalator.
escapar (di) : to get away (from), to escape; to leak (from).
escapata : (n) escape; leaking.
escavar : to dig.
escavasion : (n) excavation; ~ MINERAL (area of mineral digging) mine.
escluder : to exclude.
escorredora : (n) (device or toy for sliding) slide; chute.
escorrer : (tr) to glide, to slide; to slip; ~ SE to glide; to slide; to slip; ~ SE EN EL ARE (through the air) to glide; ~ SE I CADER to slip and fall.
escorrita : (n) slip.
escremento : excrement, feces.
escursion : (n) tour; FASER UNA ~ (ATRAVE’S) to tour (through).
escusa : apology.
escusar se : to apologize.
escutadora de espionaje : (surveillance listening device) bug.
escutar : to listen (to).
-ese : suffix for language (usually based on nation, area, or culture).
esemplo : example.
esforso : effort.
-e’simo : suffix for ordinal numbers.
esitar : to hesitate.
esitasion : hesitation.
eso {alternatively esa} : (demonstrative) that; that one.
esos {alternatively esas} : those.
Espania : Spain.
espaniano : Spanish; Spaniard.
espaniese : (language) Spanish.
espectar : (to think that someone or something will come) to expect; ~ CE (to think that something will happen) to expect (that).
espectativa : expectation.
espediente : (n) means.
espender : to expend, to spend, to use up.
espensa : expense.
esperar : to wait (for).
esperata : (n) wait.
esperiensa : (n) experience.
esperimentar : (tr) to experience; (intr) to experiment.
esperimento : (n) experiment.
esperto : (adj) experienced; expert; (n) expert.
espina : thorn.
espion : (n) spy.
espionaje : (n) espionage, spying.
espionar : to spy (on).
esplicar : to explain, to account for.
esplicasion : explanation.
esploder : to explode.
esplorar : to explore.
esplorasion : exploration.
esplosion : explosion.
esplosivo : explosive.
esportar : (to send out of the country) to export.
esposision : exhibition, exposition, show.
espresar : to express.
espresion : expression.
espulsar : (v) to expel; to oust.
estante : shelf.
estender (se) : to expand; to spread; to stretch.
estension : (n) extent, degree; stretch; expansion.
esterior : (adj) outside, outer, external; (n) outside, exterior.
estima : (n) esteem.
estimar : to esteem.
estingedora : (fire) extinguisher.
estinger : to extinguish.
estivo : summer.
esto {alternatively esta} : (demonstrative) this; this one.
estos {alternatively estas} : these.
estranio : strange; odd.
estranjero : foreign; PERSONA ESTRANJERA foreigner.
estraterrano : extraterrestrial.
estrovertido : extrovert.
esveliado : (adj) awake.
esveliar : (tr) to wake {someone} (up); to arouse; ~ SE (intr) to wake (up), to awake.
-et- : suffix for diminutive.
etapa : (n) (part of process) stage.
eterosecsual : heterosexual.
eticeta : label; ~ ADERENTE sticker.
etse’tera : et cetera.
Europa : Europe.
europano : European.
-eva : (-er verb) suffix for imperfect tense.
evacu’a : See: evacuar.
evacuar {irregular present and imperative tenses: evacu’a} : to empty; to evacuate.
evaporar (se) : to evaporate.
evidensa : evidence, proof.
evidente : obvious.
evitar : to avoid.
fa’brica : (workplace) factory; plant; ~ DE MONEDAS (coin factory) mint.
fabricar : to manufacture; to fabricate.
fabricasion : (n) manufacturing; fabrication.
factual : factual.
factualida’ : fact.
factura : (n) (invoice) bill.
facturar : (to send an invoice to) to bill.
faia : (geological) fault.
faja : (band) strip; ~ ELA’STICA rubber band.
falda : (n) skirt.
falsificar : to falsify.
falso : (adj) fake; false; mock.
falta : (n) lack.
faltar : to be missing, to be lacking.
fama : fame.
fame : hunger; TENER ~ to be hungry, to hunger.
famente : hungry.
familia : family.
famoso : famous.
fana’tico : (n) fanatic; (adj) fanatical.
fango : mud.
fantasma : ghost.
farina : flour.
farmasi’a : drugstore, pharmacy.
fas : (adv) ago, in the past {followed by amount of time}; ~ TRES SEMANAS three weeks ago.
fasa : (front of head) face.
fase : (v) make, makes; do, does; (n) phase.
faser : to make; to do; ~ {alguna persona o cosa} DEVENER {sustantivo o ajetivo} to make {someone or something} {followed by a noun or adjective}.
fa’sil : easy.
fastidiar : (to be tedious) to bore.
fastidio : boredom.
fastidioso : (adj) (tedious) boring, dull.
fatal : fatal.
fatiga : fatigue, tiredness.
fatigado : (adj) tired, weary.
fatigar (se) : to tire.
favas : beans.
favor : (n) favor.
favoreser : to favor.
favorito : favorite.
fe : f.
febre : fever.
febrero : February.
febroso : feverish.
fede : faith.
fedel : faithful.
federal : federal.
felise : happy; SER ~ (DE CE) to be glad (that); SER ~ DE {faser una cosa} to be glad to {do something}.
fe’mina : woman.
feminino : female; feminine.
fendedura : (n) crack.
fender (se) : to crack, to split.
feno : hay.
ferer : to wound, to injure; ~ CON UNA BALA to hit with a bullet, to shoot.
ferias : (time off from work) (plural) vacation.
ferido : (adj) wounded.
ferro : (metal) iron.
ferrovi’a : (n) railroad.
ferroviario : (adj) railroad.
fe’rtil : fertil.
festa : (festive) party.
fetidida’ : (n) stink.
fe’tido : stinky, smelly; SER ~ to stink.
feto : fetus.
fianse’ : (masculine) fiancé; (feminine) fiancée; (adj) (betrothed) engaged.
ficsion : fiction.
fictisio : fictional; ficticious.
figura : (n) figure.
figurar : to figure.
figurina : doll; figurine.
fija : (n) (part of a file) record.
fijero : (n) (data, etc.) file.
fila : line, queue; row; FASER ~ (intr) to line up; PONER EN ~ (tr) to line {something or someone} up; SER EN ~ to stand in line, to stand on line, to be in line.
filia : daughter; ~ DE … FRATE niece; ~ DE … SORA niece.
filie : (son or daughter) immediate offspring.
filio : son; ~ DE … FRATE nephew; ~ DE … SORA nephew.
filo : (electric or metal) wire; (for cloth) thread.
fin : (n) end, finish.
finansas : finances; DE ~ financial.
finjer : to pretend, to fake, to feign.
Finlandia : Finland.
firma : signature.
firmar : (to make a signature on) to sign.
fi’sica : (n) physics.
fisicista : physicist.
fi’sico : (adj) physical.
flanco : (body part) side.
flauta : (n) flute.
flecsible : (adj) flexible.
fleja : arrow.
flor : flower.
flotar : to float.
flu’e : See: fluer.
fluer {irregular present and imperative tenses: flu’e} : (intr) to flow, to pour, to spill; FASER ~ (to cause to flow) to pour; FASER ~ ACSIDENTALMENTE (tr) to spill (accidentally).
flu’ido : fluid.
fluita : (n) pouring; flow; ~ ACSIDENTAL (n) spill.
fluvio : stream.
fogero : fireplace.
fogo : fire.
foia : (of paper) sheet; (plant) leaf.
fonda : (n) sling.
fondo : bottom; (of a picture or stage) background.
fontana : fountain.
fonte : source; ~ DE AGUA (of water) spring.
football : (U.S.) football.
fora : (adv) (on the outside) outside; (adv) out (on the outside); ~ DE (prep) (on the outside of) outside (of), out of.
forca : fork.
foresta : (place) woods; forest.
forma : (n) form; shape.
formal : formal.
formar : to form; to shape.
formiga : ant.
fo’rmula : formula.
formulario : (n) form, blank; ~ DE SOLISITASION order form.
forno : oven, stove; furnace.
forsa : (force) power; ~ AERIA air force.
forsar : (v) to force.
fortalesa : fort.
forte : strong, powerful.
fortida’ : strength; ~ DE SON (of sound) volume.
fortuna : luck; chance.
fortunadamente : fortunately; luckily.
fortunado : fortunate; lucky.
fo’sforo : (fire-stick) match.
foso : hole in the ground, ditch; pit.
foto : photo, photograph.
fotografi’a : (n) photo, photograph; (v) See: fotografiar.
fotografiar {irregular present and imperative tenses: fotografi’a} : to photograph.
fra’jil : fragile.
Fransia : France.
fransiano : French; French person.
fransiese : (language) French.
frase : (of words) sentence.
frate : brother.
frecuensa : (oftenness) frequency.
frecuensia : (radio) frequency.
frecuente : frequent.
frecuentemente : (adv) frequently, often.
frente : front; EN ~ (adv) in front; EN ~ DE (prep) in front of.
fresco : (new) fresh.
fricsionar : to rub.
frideto : (adj) cool.
frido : (adj) cold; (n) (coldness) cold; SER ~ to be cold; TENER ~ to be cold.
frito : (adj) fried; FASER ~ (v) to fry.
fronte : forehead.
frontera : border.
frugal : (adj) thrifty.
frumento : wheat.
fruta : fruit.
fu : See: ser.
fuga : (n) leak; TENER UNA ~ DE (tr) to leak.
fulgor : (n) flash.
fulgorar : to flash.
fumar : to smoke.
fumo : (n) smoke.
fundamento : foundation; basis.
funeral : funeral.
fungo : fungus.
funsion : (n) function; (theater) show, performance.
funsionar : (intr) to function, to work, to perform.
funsionario : (n) official; officer.
fusil : (long-barreled) gun; rifle.
fusion : fusion.
fu’tbol : soccer, (not U.S. type) football.
futuro : future.
galacsia : galaxy.
galeri’a : gallery.
galina : hen.
galo : rooster.
ganiar : to win, to gain; to earn.
ganiata : (n) win.
ganjo : hook.
garafa : (container) pitcher; jug; carafe.
garaje : garage.
garanter : (v) to guarantee.
garanti’a : (n) guarantee.
garganta : throat.
gas : (gaseous substance) gas.
gaseta : newspaper.
gasolina : gasoline, petrol.
gato : cat.
gaveta : (for storage) drawer.
ge : g.
gerra : war; FASER LA ~ to wage war.
gida : (book) guide.
gidador : (n) (person) guide.
gidar : to guide, to lead.
gitarra : guitar.
gloria : glory.
golfo : (body of water) bay; gulf.
golpe : (n) (blow of force) hit, blow, stroke; ~ DE PIE (n) kick.
gosar : to enjoy, to like; {See: plaser}.
gota : (n) (liquid) drop.
gotar : to drip.
governar : to govern, to run, to rule, to control.
governasion : (n) governing, control, rule.
governo : government.
grado : (of stairs) step; (of temperature or angle) degree.
gradual : (adj) gradual.
gradualmente : gradually.
gramadre : grandmother.
grama’tica : grammar.
gramo : gram.
grampadre : grandfather.
Gran Bretania : Great Britain.
grande : big, large.
grandida’ : (largeness) size.
granfilia : granddaughter.
granfilie : grandchild.
granfilio : grandson.
granjenitor : grandparent.
grano : (cereal crops) grain.
grapa : (n) (fastener) staple.
grapar : to staple.
grasa : (n) fat; grease.
grasejo : (n) joke.
grasia : (n) grace.
grasias : thank you; DISER ~ A to thank.
gratificar : to tip.
gratificasion : (n) (gratuity) tip.
gratis : (adv) (without cost) free, freely.
gratitude : gratitude.
gratitudoso : grateful.
gratuito : (adj) (without cost) free.
grave : heavy.
gravida’ : gravity; heaviness.
Gresia : Greece.
greve : (n) (union) strike; ANDAR EN ~ to go on strike; SER EN ~ to be on strike.
griliar : (v) to grill.
gripe : flu, influenza.
grise : gray, grey.
gritar : to shout, to yell, to holler.
grito : (n) shout, yell.
gros : (n) wholesale.
grosida’ : thickness.
groso : (wide) thick.
grupo : group, bunch, party.
guajolote : (bird) turkey.
guante : glove.
guardador : (n) guard.
guardar : to guard.
gustar : (tr) to taste.
i : (conj) and {alternatively, e may be used when followed or preceded by an i}.
i : (letter) i.
-ible : (-er verb) suffix meaning able to receive action of verb.
-iblida’ : (-er verb) suffix for ability to receive action of verb.
-ida’ : suffix for abstract idea (formed from adjective).
idea : idea; point.
ide’ntico : very similar, identical, the same.
identificar : to identify.
identificasion : identification, I.D.
-ido : (-er verb) suffix for past participle and corresponding adjective; (-er verb) suffix for receiver of action.
idro’jeno : hydrogen.
ie : (letter) y.
-ieme : suffix for fractions.
igleja : church.
igual : equal.
ilegal : illegal.
iluminar : to illuminate, to light (up).
imaje : picture.
imajinar : to imagine.
imajinario : imaginary.
imajinasion : imagination.
imajinativo : imaginative.
iman : magnet.
imbesil : (adj) foolish; (n) fool.
imediatamente : immediately.
imediato : immediate.
imitar : to imitate.
imitasion : (n) imitation.
imo’bil : (adj) still, motionless, immobile.
imoral : immoral.
impeder : (to stop someone or something from moving) to stop, to impede.
impeler : to push, to thrust; to impel, to drive.
impelita : (n) push, thrust.
imperfecto : imperfect.
impertinente : impertinent, fresh.
implicar : (v) to involve.
implicasion : involvement.
importante : important.
importar : to matter; ESO NO IMPORTA A ME I don’t care about that.
imposible : impossible.
imposto : tax.
imprimedor : (person or company) printer.
imprimedora : (machine) printer; printing press.
imprimer : to print, to stamp.
impulso : (n) urge.
imundisia : piece of trash.
imundisias : trash, garbage, waste.
imundisiero : trash can; (for paper) waste-paper basket.
-in- : suffix for affection.
incapasitado : disabled.
incapasitar : to disable.
inclinado : inclined, sloped; MULTO ~ (adj) steep.
inclinar : (tr) to tilt, to incline, to slant, to lean; ~ SE to bend down, to lean down, to bow down; ~ SE RAPIDAMENTE to duck.
includer : to include.
inclusive : (adv) (also) even; ~ SI even if.
incomodar : to inconvenience, to hamper.
incomodida’ : (n) inconvenience.
inco’modo : inconvenient.
incorrectamente : (adv) incorrectly, wrong.
incorrecto : (adj) incorrect, wrong.
incursion : (n) raid.
incursionar : (v) to raid.
independensa : independence.
independente : independent.
India : India.
indiano : (from India) Indian.
indicadora : indicator, dial.
indicar : to indicate; to point (to).
indicativo : indicative.
i’ndise : index, table; chart.
indisio : indication, sign.
individual : individual.
indolente : lazy.
Indonesia : Indonesia.
indu’ : Hindu.
industria : industry.
industrial : industrial.
infansa : childhood.
infanta : girl.
infante : child, kid.
infanto : boy.
infecsion : infection.
infectar : (v) to infect.
inferior : (adj) lower.
inferno : hell.
inflar : (tr) to inflate; ~ SE (intr) to inflate; to swell.
inflasion : inflation; swelling.
influ’e : See: influer.
influensa : (n) influence.
influer {irregular present and imperative tenses: influ’e} : to influence.
informar : to inform.
informasion : information.
infrecuente : infrequent, rare.
infrecuentemente : (adv) seldom, rarely.
inglese : (language) English.
injecsion : injection.
injectar : (v) to inject.
injenieri’a : (n) engineering.
injeniero : (n) engineer.
injustamente : unfairly, wrong.
injustisia : (n) injustice, unfairness, wrong, wrongdoing.
injusto : unfair, wrong, unjust.
inondar : to flood.
inondasion : (n) flood.
inoportuno : inopportune, untimely.
inosente : innocent.
insecto : (n) insect.
insendiadora : (n) lighter.
insendiar : to set on fire, to light.
insendio : (n) (disaster) fire.
insinificante : trivial, insignificant.
insinsero : insincere.
insinu’a : See: insinuar.
insinuar {irregular present and imperative tenses: insinu’a} : to insinuate, to suggest.
insinuasion : insinuation, suggestion.
insitar : to prompt, to urge.
insultar : to insult.
insulto : (n) insult.
intelijensa : intelligence.
intelijente : intelligent.
intension : (n) purpose, aim, intent, intention, plan; TENER LA ~ DE {followed by infinitive} to intend to, to plan to.
intensional : intentional.
intensionalmente : intentionally, on purpose.
intere’s : (bank or loan) interest.
interesante : interesting.
interesar : to interest.
interese : concern, interest.
interesensa : (n) (share of ownership) interest.
interferensa : interference.
interferer : to interfere.
interior : (adj) inside; inner; internal; (n) inside; interior.
internasional : international.
Interrede : Internet.
interrogar : to question {someone}, to ask {someone}.
interrogata : (n) question; FASER UNA ~ to ask a question.
interromper : to interrupt.
interrupsion : interruption.
interruptor : (n) (control) switch.
intersecsion : intersection; crossroads.
intervalo : interval.
intervener : (v) to intervene.
intervension : intervention.
intestino : intestine.
intestinos : intestines.
intimidar : to scare, to intimidate.
i’ntimo : (adj) intimate.
intocsicar : to poison.
intriga : (n) (theatrical) plot.
introvertido : introvert; introverted.
inu’til : useless.
inutilmente : in vain, uselessly.
invader : (v) to invade.
invasion : invasion.
invension : invention.
inventar : to invent.
inverno : winter.
inverter : to turn upside-down, to invert.
invertido : upside-down, inverted.
invester : to invest.
investigar : to investigate; to research.
investigasion : (n) investigation; research.
investimento : investment.
invisible : invisible.
invitado : guest.
invitar : to invite.
invitasion : invitation.
-io’ : (-er verb) suffix for preterit.
io : (pronoun) I.
iogur : yogurt.
ipoteca : (n) mortgage.
ipotecar : to mortgage.
Irac : Iraq.
Iran : Iran.
i’rise : (of eye) iris.
Irlanda : Ireland.
ironi’a : irony.
iro’nico : ironic.
irregular : irregular.
-isar : suffix for to make (formed from adjective).
-i’sim- : suffix for superlative (like -est or most).
isla : island.
-ismo : suffix for -ism.
isolado : lonely; SENTER SE ~ to feel lonely.
Israel : Israel.
-ista : suffix for -ist.
istoria : history.
istrucsiones : instructions.
istrumento : tool; ISTRUMENTOS tools, equipment.
-ita : (-er verb) suffix for an instance of the action of the verb.
Italia : Italy.
italiano : Italian.
italiese : (language) Italian.
Iugoslavia : Yugoslavia.
iulio : July.
ja : already, yet.
jaceta : jacket, coat.
jama’is : never.
jamine’ : fireplace; hearth.
jamon : ham.
jampinion : mushroom.
jampu’ : (n) shampoo; LAVAR EL PELO CON ~ to shampoo.
janero : January.
japo’ : hat.
Japon : Japan.
jara : jar.
jardin : garden.
jarla : (n) gossip, gossiping.
jarlador : (person) gossip.
jarlar : to gossip.
jaser se : to lie down.
jasido : (adj) lying (down); SER ~ to be lying (down).
jaula : (n) cage.
je : j.
jece : (n) (bank) check.
jefe : (n) (person in charge) chief, leader, head; ~ DE SCOLA (head of school) principal.
jeladora : freezer.
jelar (se) : to freeze.
jelata : (n) freeze.
jelatina : gelatin.
jelato : ice cream.
jelea : (substance) jelly.
jelo : ice.
jemelo : twin.
jene : gene.
jeneral : general.
je’nero secsual : sexual gender, sex.
jeneroso : generous.
jene’tica : (n) genetics.
jene’tico : (adj) genetic.
jenio : genius.
jenitor : parent.
jenjiva : (flesh near teeth) gum.
jente : (used in singular) people.
jentilome : gentleman.
jesticular : to gesticulate.
jesto : (n) gesture.
jicle : (for chewing) gum.
jida’ : city; town.
jigante : huge; giant.
ji’jaros : peas.
Jina : China.
jinoco : knee; PONER SE EN LOS JINOCOS to kneel.
jintoi’sta : Shintoist.
jirar : to rotate, to turn.
jiso : (n) chalk.
jocolate : chocolate.
jogar : to play; (n) (playing) play.
jogata : (action) play.
jogo : (amusement) game.
joia : jewel.
joias : jewelry, jewels.
joieri’a : jewelry store.
jornalismo : journalism.
jornalista : journalist, reporter.
jorno : (daytime, daylight hours) day; ~ TARDE afternoon.
jovedi’a : Thursday.
jo’ven : young; young person.
joventude : (opposite of old age) youth.
jubilar (se) : (v) (from work) to retire.
jubilasion : (from work) retirement.
judeo : Jewish.
judisiador : (n) judge.
judisiar : to judge.
judisio : judgment; trial.
junio : June.
juntamente : together; ~ CON besides, together with.
Ju’piter : Jupiter.
juramento : oath.
jurar : (v) (take oath) to swear.
juri’ : jury.
justamente : fairly, right.
justisia : justice, doing right.
justo : fair, right, just.
la : (non-subject pronoun) her; (singular article) the; ~ UNA one o’clock.
labio : lip.
laboratorio : laboratory.
lado : side; AL ~ DE next to, beside; AL OTRO ~ DE to the other side of, beyond; EN EL OTRO ~ DE on the other side of, beyond; DE ~ sideways.
ladron : thief.
lago : lake.
la’grima : teardrop, tear.
lamber : to lick.
lamentar : to lament, to regret.
lamentasion : (n) lamentation, regret.
la’mina : (of metal, etc.) sheet.
lamineta par rasurar : razorblade.
la’mpada : lamp.
lampolia : lightbulb.
lana : wool.
lansa : spear.
lansador : (sports) pitcher.
lansamento : (n) launch.
lansar : to throw; to launch.
lansar se (abajo) : to dive.
lansata : (n) throw.
la’pise : pencil.
las : (plural) the; (used to express the time of day) o’clock; ES ~ TRES It’s three o’clock; A ~ CUATRO CON TRENTA (MINUTOS) at four thirty; ES LA UNA It’s one o’clock.
la’ser : (n) laser.
laserar : to rip, to tear.
laserasion : (n) rip, tear.
la’stima : pity; CE ~! What a pity!
lata : (n) can; PONER EN LATAS to put in cans, to can.
latitude : latitude.
lavabo : (n) (for washing) basin, sink.
lavadora : washing machine.
lavar (se) : to wash; LAVAR EL PELO CON JAMPU’ to shampoo.
lavata : (n) washing.
lavatorio : restroom, bathroom, lavatory.
le : l.
leal : (adj) loyal.
legal : legal.
legume : vegetable.
leie : law; PROJETO DE ~ (legislative) bill.
lengua : tongue.
lenio : (substance) wood; ~ PAR FOGO firewood.
lenso : bedsheet.
lentamente : slowly.
lentes : (spectacles) glasses; ~ DE CONTACTO contact lenses.
lento : slow.
leon : lion.
les : them.
leser : to read.
leson : lesson.
lete : milk.
le’tera : (correspondence) letter, note.
leto : bed.
letra : (of alphabet) letter.
letuga : lettuce.
leva : lever; MOVER CON UNA ~ (to move with a lever) to pry, to prise.
li : him.
liberal : liberal.
liberta’ : freedom, liberty.
librar : to free, to release, to let loose; to loosen; ~ DE to rid of.
libre : (adj) (available, or having liberty) free; loose.
libreri’a : bookstore.
libro : book.
licor : liquor.
li’cuido : liquid.
ligadura : (n) link, tie.
ligar : to tie, to bind, to link.
lijero : (not heavy) light.
lima : (fruit) lime.
limitar : to limit.
li’mite : (n) limit.
limon : lemon.
limpiar : to clean; to wipe.
limpio : (adj) clean.
lingua : language.
linia : line; ~ AERIA airline.
lino : linen.
lisensa : (n) license, licence, permit.
liso : (adj) smooth.
lista : (n) list; ~ DE VOTANTES list of voters.
listar : (to make a list) to list.
literatura : literature.
litro : liter.
lo : (non-subject pronoun) it.
lobo : wolf.
localida’ : (locality) place.
locasion : (n) rent, rental, lease.
locasionador : landlord, lessor.
locasionar : to rent out {something to someone}, to lease {something to someone}.
locatar : to rent {something from someone}, to lease {something from someone}.
locatario : renter, tenant, lessee.
loco : wacky, crazy.
lo’jica : logic.
lo’jico : logical.
longida’ : length.
longo : (adj) long.
lonje : (adv) far; ~ DE far from; MAS ~ (adv) farther.
lonjitude : longitude.
loro : (singular) their; of theirs; EL ~ theirs; ~ PROPRIO their own.
loros : (plural) their; of theirs; LOS ~ theirs; ~ PROPRIOS their own.
los {or las} : (plural) the.
losion : lotion; ~ CONTRA EL SOL (lotion) sunscreen; ~ PAR BRONSAR SE suntan lotion.
loton : brass.
lujo : luxury.
lujoso : luxurious.
Luna : Earth’s moon.
luna : moon.
lunedi’a : Monday.
luse : (n) light.
luta : (n) struggle.
lutar : to struggle, to wrestle.
luto : mourning; SER DE ~ to be in mourning.
ma : (conj) but; ~ AL CONTRARIO but rather, but.
maceta : (miniature representation) model.
ma’cina : machine; ~ DE SCRIVER typewriter.
ma’csimo : maximum; AL ~ at most.
madre : mother.
madrina : godmother.
maestro : (art) master.
magasen : department store, large store.
magasenete : (n) shop, store.
magne’tico : magnetic.
mago : magician.
maio : (month) May.
maior : (adj) major.
maiorida’ : majority; LA ~ (DE) the majority (of), most (of).
mai’s : (maize) corn.
maji’a : (n) magic.
ma’jico : (adj) magic.
mal : (n) damage, harm; (adv) badly; FASER ~ A to harm, to damage, to hurt.
malaria : malaria.
maldiser : to curse (at), to damn.
maldision : (n) curse.
maldito : (adj) (cursed) damned.
male’volo : (adj) malevolent, evil, mean.
malida’ : (n) evil.
malo : bad.
mama’ : mom.
mami’fero : mammal.
mandarinese : (language) Mandarin.
mandi’bula : jaw.
manejar : to handle.
manera : (manner) way; DE ALGUNA ~ somehow; DE CE ~ in what respect, in what way; DE NENGUNA ~ in no respect, (in) no way; DE TODAS MANERAS in every way.
maniana : tomorrow.
manifestante : protester; demonstrator.
manifestar se : (politically) to demonstrate; ~ CONTRA to protest, to demonstrate against.
manifestasion : (political) demonstration.
manjadero : dining room.
manjar : to eat.
manjata : (time to eat) meal; ~ DE MATINA breakfast; ~ DE MEDIODI’A lunch; ~ DE NOTJE dinner; ~ EN EL CAMPO (n) picnic; ~ FORMAL DE NOTJE formal dinner.
mano : hand; MOVER SE EN MANOS I JINOCOS (to move oneself on hands and knees) to crawl.
manubrio : (hand control) handlebar.
mapa : map.
mar : ocean; sea.
maraveia : (n) marvel, wonder.
maraveiar : to amaze; ~ SE DE to marvel at, to be amazed by.
maraveioso : amazing; wonderful.
marca : (n) mark; brand, trademark.
marcar : to mark.
marea : tide.
maremoto : tsunami, tidal wave.
mariguana : marijuana.
marino : (adj) marine.
marioneta : puppet, marionette.
mariposa : butterfly; moth.
marmita : (food container) pot.
marso : (month) March.
Marte : Mars.
martedi’a : Tuesday; ~ DE CARNAVAL Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday.
martelar : (v) to hammer.
martelo : (n) hammer.
mas : more; further; EL ~ the most; ~ CE EL RESTO (adv) most of all, most.
masa : (physics) mass.
masaje : (n) massage; DAR UN ~ A to massage.
masculino : male; masculine.
masiso : (not hollow) solid.
masticar : to chew.
materia : (physical) matter.
material : equipment, gear, material; MATERIALES equipment, materials.
matina : morning.
matrimonio : (spousal relationship) marriage.
maturar : (tr) to ripen, to make ripe; ~ SE (intr) to mature, to ripen, to become ripe.
maturo : (adj) mature; ripe.
me : (letter) m.
me : me.
media : media; ~ DE INFORMASION information media; ~ DE NOTISIAS news media, press.
mediano : (adj) average; medium; TE’RMINO ~ (n) average; CALCULAR EL TE’RMINO ~ DE to find the average of.
medianotje : midnight.
me’dico : (medical) doctor.
medio : (n) middle; (adv) half.
mediodi’a : noon.
medisina : medicine.
Me’jico : Mexico.
melon : melon.
membrana : membrane, film.
membro : member.
memoria : memory; APRENDER DE ~ to memorize.
menasa : threat.
menasar : to threaten.
menos : less; EL ~ the least.
mensionar : (v) to mention.
menta : (plant) mint.
mente : mind.
-mente {change any final -o to -a before adding -mente} : suffix for adverb.
menter : (to bear false witness) to lie, to tell a lie.
mentita : (n) (false witness) lie.
menu’ : menu.
mercado : market.
mercansi’a : merchandise, stock.
mercoledi’a : Wednesday.
Mercurio : (planet) Mercury.
me’rito : (n) merit.
mesa : (furniture) table.
mescla : (n) mix.
mesclar : (tr) to mix; to stir; ~ SE CON to mix with.
mese : month.
mesmo : -self; EL ~ (the very same, singular) the same {precedes noun, if any}; IO ~ I myself; ELI ~ he himself.
mesmos : -selves; LOS ~ (the very same, plural) the same {precedes noun, if any}; ELES ~ they themselves.
mestruar : to menstruate.
mestruasion : menstruation.
mesura : (n) measure; size.
mesuradora : (n) (tool) measure.
mesurar : to measure; ~ LA TERRA (to measure land) to survey.
meta’ : (n) (fraction) half.
metal : (n) metal.
me’todo : method.
metraiadora : machine gun.
metro : (unit of measurement) meter.
micro’fono : microphone.
microscopio : microscope.
miel : honey.
mil : thousand; ~ MILIONES ( (European) one thousand million; (U.S.) one billion; ~ MILIONES DE ( (European) one thousand million {followed by noun}; (U.S.) one billion {followed by noun}.
milenio : millennium.
mile’simo : (ordinal) thousandth.
milieme : (fraction) thousandth.
milimetro : millimeter.
milion : million; UN ~ DE one million {followed by noun}; UN ~ DE MILIONES ( (European) one billion; (U.S.) one trillion; UN ~ DE MILIONES DE ( (European) one billion {followed by noun}; (U.S.) one trillion {followed by noun}.
milione’simo : (ordinal) millionth.
milionieme : (fraction) millionth.
militar : (adj) military; LA MARINA ~ the navy.
militares : (n) (plural) military.
mina : (explosive) mine.
minadero : (excavation) mine.
minador : (in an excavation) miner.
minar : (in an excavation) to mine.
mineral : mineral.
mi’nimo : minimum; AL ~ at least.
minor : minor.
minorida’ : minority.
minuto : (n) (time) minute.
mio {stressed on the i} : (singular) my; of mine; EL ~ (possessive) mine.
mios {stressed on the i} : (plural) my; of mine; LOS ~ (possessive) mine.
mirar : to look (at), to watch.
mirata : (n) (act of looking) look.
misa : (religion) mass.
miselanio : miscellaneous.
misericordia : (n) pity; TENER ~ DE to pity.
misil : missile.
mision : mission.
misterio : mystery.
misterioso : mysterious.
moble : piece of furniture.
mobles : furniture.
moda : (n) fashion; FORA DE ~ old-fashioned.
modelo : fashion model.
moderado : moderate.
moderasion : moderation.
moderno : modern.
modesto : (adj) modest; humble.
modificar : to modify.
moladora : (n) (machine) mill.
molar : to grind.
mole’cula : molecule.
molestar : to bother, to disturb.
molestia : (n) bother; disturbance.
molusco : mollusk.
momento : moment; UN ~ one moment, just a moment; EN ALGUNO ~ at some time; EN CUALCE ~ anytime, at any time; EN EL ~ DEPO’IS CE (conj) as soon as; EN ESO ~ at that moment, then.
monarca : (ruler) monarch.
monarci’a : monarchy.
moneda : coin.
Mongolia : Mongolia.
monitor : (n) monitor.
montania : mountain.
montar : to ride.
montata : (n) ride.
monte : mountain; hill.
montete : hill.
moral : (adj) moral.
moralida’ : (n) morality; morals.
morder : to bite.
mordita : (n) bite.
morer : to die; FASER ~ (to cause to die) to kill; ~ POR FAME (intr) to starve to death.
morte : death.
mortiero : (n) (for bricks) mortar.
morto : dead.
mosca : (insect) fly.
moscito : mosquito.
mostajo : moustache.
mostarda : mustard.
mostradora : (in a store or kitchen) counter.
mostrar : to show.
mostro : monster.
motivo : (n) motive, reason; POR ALGUNO ~ for some reason.
motor : motor.
motosicleta : motorcycle.
mover (se) : to move, to shift; ~ SE DE RESIDENSA (A) (to change residence) to move (to), to settle (in).
movimento : (n) move; movement.
movita : movement.
muco : mucus.
multa : (n) (monetary punishment) fine; (adj) much, a lot of.
multar : to fine.
multiplicar : (math) to multiply; ~ SE (to produce offspring) to multiply.
multiplicasion : multiplication.
multitude : (n) crowd.
multo : (adv) very; (adj) much, a lot of.
multos : many, a lot of.
mundial : (adj) world.
mundo : (n) world.
muro : (outside) wall.
mu’sculo : muscle.
mu’sica : music.
musical : musical.
mu’sico : musician.
musulmano : Muslim.
nada : nothing.
na’digas : (plural) buttocks, posterior.
naser : to be born; FASER {someone or something} ~ to give birth to.
nasion : nation.
nasional : national.
nasita : birth.
naso : nose.
natar : to swim.
Nativida’ : Christmas; LA VIJILIA DE ~ Christmas Eve.
natura : nature.
natural : natural.
naturalmente : of course.
nausia : nausea; TENER ~ to be nauseous, to be nauseated.
nausiado : (feeling nausea) nauseous.
nausiante : (causing nausea) revolting.
nausiar : to nauseate.
nave : (n) ship; ~ SPASIAL spaceship.
navigar : to sail, to navigate.
ne : n.
negar : (to contradict) to deny.
negativo : (adj) negative.
neglijensa : (n) neglect; negligence.
neglijente : negligent; neglectful.
neglijer : to neglect.
negosiar : (v) to negociate.
negosiasion : negociation.
negro : black.
nenguno : none; (before noun) no.
Neptuno : Neptune.
nervo : (bodily tissue) nerve.
nervoso : nervous.
nesesario : necessary.
nesesida’ : (n) need.
nesesitar : to need.
neuma’tico : (n) tire, tyre.
neutral : neutral.
neutro : (adj) neuter; FASER ~ to neuter.
nevar : to snow.
neve : (n) snow.
ni : neither; nor.
nido : nest.
nitro’jeno : nitrogen.
nivel : (n) level; floor, story, storey.
nivelado : (adj) level, even.
no : (adv) not; (opposite of yes) no.
noble : noble.
nodo : knot, bow.
no’made : nomad; nomadic.
nome : name.
nominasion : (giving of a position) appointment.
nonostante : (prep) despite, in spite of.
Nortame’rica : North America.
norte : north; DEL ~ northern.
Norvega : Norway.
nose : (food) nut.
nota : (grade) mark; (musical) note.
notisias : news.
notje : night; ESTA ~ tonight; AIERI EN LA ~ last night.
nove : nine.
novembre : November.
noventa : ninety.
novente’simo : (ordinal) ninetieth.
noventieme : (fraction) ninetieth.
nove’simo : (ordinal) ninth.
novieme : (fraction) ninth.
novo : new; DE ~ (all over) again.
nuclear : nuclear.
nudo : nude, naked.
nu’mero : number; ~ UNO (ordinal number) first.
nus : we; us.
nustro : (singular) our; of ours; EL ~ ours.
nustros : (plural) our; of ours; LOS ~ ours.
nutrer : to nourish; ~ DI EL SENO (tr) to breastfeed, to nurse.
nuve : cloud.
-o’ : (-ar verb) suffix for preterit.
o : (conj) or; either; FASE LO, ~ SI NO, IO LO FASERA’ Do it, or else I will.
o : (letter) o.
o! : (exclamation) oh!
obedeser : to obey.
obeso : (adj) fat.
objetivo : (n) target; objective.
objeto : (n) object.
obligar : (v) to oblige.
obligasion : obligation.
obligatorio : obligatory.
obliviar : to forget.
obra : (of art, etc.) work.
observar : to notice.
obtuso : (not sharp) dull, blunt.
obuse : (explosive projectile) shell.
oca : goose.
ocasion : opportunity.
ocaso : sunset.
ocsidar (se) : (v) to rust.
ocsidasion : (n) rust.
ocsidente : west; DEL ~ western.
ocsi’jeno : oxygen.
octeto : (eight bits) byte.
octobre : October.
ocultar (se) : to hide.
ocupado : busy, occupied.
ocupar : to occupy.
ocurrensa : event, occurrence, development.
ocurrer : to happen, to occur.
odiar : to hate.
odio : (n) hate.
odor : (n) smell, odor; SENTER EL ~ DE (tr) to smell; TENER UN ~ ESTRANIO to have a strange odor; TENER EL ~ DE to smell like.
ofender : (v) to offend.
ofensa : offense.
ofensivo : offensive.
oferta : (n) offer; ~ SPESIAL (n) (special) sale.
ofisial : (adj) official.
ofisina : (one’s room at work) office.
ofreser (se) : to offer, to volunteer; ELI SE OFRESIO’ PAR FASER LO He volunteered to do it.
oi’do : See: oier.
oier {irregular tenses: preterit: oio’; past participle: oi’do} : to hear.
oio : eye; PELE DE ~ eyelid.
oio’ : See: oier.
oji : today.
Olanda : Netherlands.
olio : oil.
oliva : (food) olive.
olivera : (tree) olive.
-o’logo : -ologist; suffix for -ologist.
-oloji’a : -ology; suffix for -ology.
ombligo : navel.
ombra : (n) shadow, shade.
ombradora : (device) shade.
ombrar : to shade.
ome : (n) man.
omosecsual : homosexual.
onda : (n) (undulation) wave.
onesto : honest.
onor : honor.
o’pera : opera.
operador : operator.
operar : to operate, to run.
operasion : operation; FASER UNA ~ (A) to operate (on), to perform an operation (on).
opinion : opinion.
oportuno : opportune, timely.
opresion : oppression.
opresivo : oppressive.
oprimer : (v) to oppress.
ora : hour; A ALGUNA ~ at some time; A CUALCE ~ anytime, at any time.
orario : (n) schedule; PONER EN EL ~ to schedule.
orasion : prayer.
orasionar : to pray.
o’rbita : (n) orbit.
orbitar : (v) to orbit.
orcestra : orchestra.
o’rden : (arrangement) order.
ordenado : (adj) orderly.
ordenar : (v) to put in order.
oreia : ear.
orelojeto : (n) (clock) watch.
orelojo : clock; CONTRA LA DIRECSION DEL ~ counter-clockwise; EN LA DIRECSION DEL ~ clockwise.
organisar : to organize.
organisasion : organization.
o’rgano : (of the body) organ; ~ MUSICAL (musical) organ.
orgoio : pride.
orgoioso : proud.
oriente : east; DEL ~ eastern.
orijinal : original.
ori’jine : origin.
orisontal : (adj) horizontal.
orisonte : horizon.
ornamento : ornament.
oro : gold.
orso : (n) bear.
ortografi’a : (n) spelling; (v) See: ortografiar.
ortografiar {irregular present and imperative tenses: ortografi’a} : to spell.
oscurida’ : (n) darkness, dark.
oscuro : (adj) dark.
oso : bone.
-oso : suffix for full of (based on noun).
ospital : hospital.
osta’culo : obstacle.
ostia : (n) (religious wafer) host.
ostinado : stubborn, obstinate.
otel : hotel; ~ CON STASIONAMENTO motel; ~ PAR JO’VENES youth hostel.
otenta : eighty.
otente’simo : (ordinal) eightieth.
otentieme : (fraction) eightieth.
ote’simo : (ordinal) eighth.
otieme : (fraction) eighth.
oto : eight.
otonio : (season) autumn, fall.
otro : other; another.
oval : oval.
ovino : sheep.
ovo : egg.
pacete : package, parcel; packet; bundle.
Pacistan : Pakistan.
padre : father.
padrino : godfather.
padron : (used repetitively in sewing, tracing, etc.) pattern.
pagamento : payment.
pagar : to pay (for) {The person who receives the money is the indirect object}; ELI PAGO’ TRES DO’LARES A ME POR EL LIBRO He paid me three dollars for the book.
paisaje : scenery.
pai’se : (nation, area) country.
pa’jina : (printed) page.
pala : (n) shovel; MOVER CON UNA ~ to shovel.
pa’lido : pale, pallid.
palisada : (outdoor barrier) fence.
palma : (of hand) palm.
palmera : (tree) palm.
palo : (n) stick; pole.
pan : bread; ~ TOSTADO toast, toasted bread.
panete : (n) (food) roll.
panfleto : pamphlet.
pa’nico : (n) panic, scare.
pantalon : (n) pants, trousers; ~ CORTO short pants, shorts; swimming trunks.
pantalonete : (underwear) briefs; boxers; panties; knickers.
pantanal : marsh, swamp.
papa’ : dad.
Papa : Pope.
papagaio : (n) parrot.
papel : (n) paper.
par : for; in order to; ~ CE so (that).
paracadita : (n) parachute.
paradiso seleste : (in religion) heaven.
para’grafo : paragraph.
paragua : (for rain) umbrella.
paralelo : (adj) parallel.
parasol : (for shade) umbrella, parasol.
parce : (public outdoor area) park.
pare : (n) pair.
parede : (inside) wall.
pareia : (in the romantic sense) couple.
parente : (n) relative.
pareser : to seem.
parlamento : parliament.
parlar : to speak, to talk; ~ CON SENIALES to communicate in sign language, to sign.
parlata : (n) talk.
parte : (n) part; share; place; A ALGUNA ~ somewhere, to some place; EN ALGUNA ~ somewhere, in some place; A CUALCE ~ anywhere, to any place; A NENGUNA ~ nowhere, to no place; A OTRA ~ (adv) away, to another place; EN TODAS PARTES everywhere, in all places; EN MULTAS PARTES widespread.
partedero : (n) (place) exit; ~ DE URJENSA emergency exit.
parter (di) : to leave, to go away (from), to depart (from), to get out (of); PARTER CAMINANDO to walk away; PARTER CORRENDO to run away.
particular : (n) detail, particular.
partida : (game) match.
partisipio : participle.
partita : (action) departure.
partito : political party.
pas : peace.
pasado : past.
pasajero : passenger.
pasando : passing; passing by.
pasaporto : passport.
pasar : (time) to spend; to pass, to go by; ~ PRO’CSIMO A (tr) to pass by, to pass near (to).
pasata : (n) (movement) pass.
Pascua : Easter.
pase : (n) (document) pass.
pasear : (on foot) to take a walk; (in a car, etc.) to take a ride.
pasiensa : patience.
pasiente : (adj) patient.
pasi’fico : peaceful.
pasion : passion.
pasivo : passive.
paso : (n) (through mountains) pass; (of the foot) pace, step.
pasta : dough; pasta; paste; ~ DENTAL toothpaste.
pastel : (cake, etc.) pastry.
patata : potato.
patriota : (n) patriot.
patrio’tico : (adj) patriotic.
patron : (n) boss.
pausa : (n) pause.
pausar : to pause.
pavimento : pavement.
pe : (letter) p.
pe : optional direct object preposition (to avoid ambiguity).
pecador : sinner.
pecar : to sin.
pecata : (n) sin.
peinadora : (n) comb.
peinar (se) : to comb.
peje : (n) fish.
pele : (n) skin; ~ ARDIDA POR EL SOL (n) sunburn; ~ DE BOVE leather.
peli’cula : movie, motion picture, film; camera film; ~ ANIMADA animated film.
pelo : (one) hair.
pelos : (all) hair(s).
peluca : wig.
pena : feather.
pender : (intr) to hang.
pe’ndulo : (n) pendulum; SEDIA DE ~ (n) (playground) swing.
pene : penis.
pensamento : thought.
pensar : (to cogitate) to think; ~ EN to think about.
pensata : thought.
pension : boarding-house.
pepino : cucumber; (n) (pickled) pickle, pickled cucumber.
per : per; ~ SENTO per cent.
perciser : to search (through), to look through.
percisision : (looking through) search.
perder : to lose; to misplace; (to fail to reach or see) to miss.
perdido : lost; SER ~ to be lost.
perdita : loss.
perdon : (n) forgiveness, pardon.
perdona me : (apology) I’m sorry.
perdonar : to forgive {someone}, to pardon {someone}; ~ {alguna persona} DE {alguna cosa} to forgive {someone} for {something}.
perfecto : perfect.
perforadora : (n) (tool) drill.
perforar : (v) to pierce; to drill.
perfume : perfume.
periglo : danger; PONER EN ~ to endanger; SER EN ~ to be in danger.
perigloso : dangerous.
perio’dico : periodical.
peri’odo : (time) period.
periscopio : periscope.
permanente : (adj) permanent.
permiso : (n) permission; consent; ~ DE ENTRAR (permission to enter) admission.
permiter : to let, to permit, to allow; to consent to; ~ CADER to let fall, to drop; ~ ENTRAR to admit, to allow to enter.
perno : (n) (mechanics) bolt.
perpetuo : perpetual.
persecusion : (n) persecution; harassment.
persecusionar : to persecute; to harass.
perseger : to chase.
persegita : (n) chase.
persentaje : percentage.
persepsion : perception.
persever : to perceive, to detect.
persona : person; ALGUNA ~ somebody, someone; NENGUNA ~ nobody; TODAS LAS PERSONAS everyone, everybody; DE ALGUNA ~ (placed after noun) (belonging to someone) someone’s.
personaje : theather role, character.
personal : (adj) personal.
perturbado : (adj) upset.
perturbar : (v) to upset.
pesadora : (device to measure weight) scale.
pesar : to weigh.
pesca : fishing.
pescar : to fish.
pe’sica : peach.
peso : weight.
petito : (adj) little, small.
peto : (body part) chest.
petrolio : petroleum, oil.
picante : (adj) spicy, piquant; stinging.
picar : to prick, to sting.
picata : (n) prick; sting.
picenice : (n) picnic.
pie : (of body) foot; PONER EL ~ SOBRA to step on; BATER CON EL ~ to kick.
piedra : rock; stone.
pierna : leg; ~ SUPERIOR thigh.
piesa : (n) piece, bit; ~ CORTADA (n) slice; ~ DE TEATRO (theatrical) play.
pijon : pigeon.
pila : (electric) battery.
pilotar : to pilot.
piloto : (n) pilot.
pi’lura : pill.
pimenta : pepper.
pinia : pinecone.
piniera : (tree) pine.
pinsas : tongs; pincers.
pintar : to paint; ~ UNA CASA VERDE USANDO COLOR ASUR to paint a green house blue; ~ (SE) LA FASA to put make-up on.
pintata : (action) paintjob, painting.
pintura : (object of art) painting.
piocos : lice.
pipa : (n) (for smoking) pipe.
pira’mide : pyramid.
pirata : (n) pirate.
pisarra : blackboard.
pisina : (n) swimming-pool.
pista : (for racing) track; runway.
pistola : (gun) pistol.
plaga : (n) wound; injury; ~ ARDIDA (n) (wound) burn; ~ CORTADA (n) (wound) cut.
plageta : small wound, scratch.
plaia : (n) beach.
planeta : planet.
plano : flat.
planta : (n) plant; PLANTAS MARINAS seaweed.
plantar : to plant.
plasa : (n) (place) square, town square, plaza.
plasente : pleasant, nice, enjoyable, pleasing.
plaser : to please; (n) pleasure; ME PLASE FASER LO You’re welcome, don’t mention it.
plasma : plasma.
pla’stico : plastic.
plataforma : platform.
plato : (for food) plate; dish.
plega : (n) fold.
plegar : to fold.
plenar : to fill.
pleno : full.
plombo : (n) (metal) lead.
plorar : to cry, to weep.
ploro : (n) crying, weeping.
pluma : pen.
plural : plural.
Pluton : Pluto.
pluver : to rain; ~ JELO to hail.
pluvia : (n) rain; ~ DE JELO (n) hail.
pluvioso : rainy.
poco : (adv) little; not very; not very much; ~ A ~ gradually, little by little; UN ~ a little; slightly, barely; UN ~ (DE) a little bit (of), a bit (of).
pocos : (adj) few.
poder : to be able, can.
poema : poem.
poeta : poet.
poio : (bird) chicken; CARNE DE ~ (meat) chicken.
pois : (next) then.
polarida’ : polarity.
pole’mica : controversy.
pole’mico : controversial.
polgar : thumb.
polisi’a : police.
polisiano : police officer.
poli’tica : politics.
politicista : politician.
poli’tico : (adj) political.
polo : (global) pole.
Polonia : Poland.
polvo : (n) dust; powder.
pomo : apple.
pompa : (n) pump.
pompar : to pump.
pompiero : firefighter.
po’mulo : cheek.
poner : to put, to place, to set; to position.
ponte : bridge.
popular : (adj) popular.
populasion : population.
por : (indicates the doer of the action) by; because of, on account of, owing to; (price or time) for; ~ CE why; ~ ESEMPLO for example; ~ FAVOR (polite request) please.
porce : (conj) because.
porco : pig.
porsion : share, allotment.
porta : door.
portador : porter.
portafolio : wallet.
portar : to carry, to take, to bear; (clothing) to wear.
porto : port.
porton : gate.
Portugal : Portugal.
portugalano : Portuguese; Portuguese person.
portugalese : (language) Portuguese.
posa : puddle.
poseder : to own, to possess.
posesion : possession.
posible : possible.
posiblemente : (adv) maybe.
posiblida’ : possibility.
posision : (n) (place) position.
positivo : (adj) positive.
poso : (n) well.
posponer : to postpone.
posta : (n) mail, post; ~ AERIA airmail; ~ ELECTRO’NICA e-mail; ~ RA’PIDA express mail; POSTA-E e-mail.
posta-e : e-mail.
posterior : posterior; buttocks.
posto : job, position.
potensa : potency, power.
potente : potent, powerful.
povre : (adj) poor.
povrida’ : poverty.
pra’tica : (n) (usage, custom) practice.
praticar : (to put into practice, to use customarily) to practice.
pra’tico : practical.
predicar : to preach.
predicsion : prediction.
prediser : (v) to predict.
preferensa : preference.
preferer : to prefer.
prejudisiar : to be prejudiced (against), to prejudge.
prejudisio : (n) prejudice.
premio : (n) prize.
prender : to take, to get; ~ PRESTADO to borrow.
preocupado : worried, anxious.
preocupar (se) : to worry.
preocupasion : (n) worry, anxiety.
preparar : to prepare, to set up; ~ SE to get ready, to prepare.
preposision : preposition.
prerrogativa : (n) (legal or moral) right.
prescriver : to prescribe.
presedente : (adj) preceding; previous; (n) precedent.
preseder : to precede.
presentar : to present; to introduce.
presente : (n) (now) present; (adj) present.
preservativo (secsual) : condom.
presidente : president.
presion : (n) pressure.
presipisio : cliff, precipice.
presipitar (se) : to hurry.
presipitasion : (n) hurry.
prestar : to lend.
presto : soon, shortly, quickly.
presumer : to presume, to suppose.
presunsion : presumption.
prevener {irregular present and imperative tenses: previene} : to prevent; ~ SE DE {faser una cosa} to keep {oneself} from {doing something}; ~ {alguna persona o cosa} DE {faser una cosa} to prevent {someone or something} from {doing something}; ~ CE {alguna persona o cosa} {fase una cosa} to prevent {someone or something} from {doing something}.
prevension : prevention.
previene : See: prevener.
primavera : (season) spring.
primerministro : prime minister.
primero : (adv) first.
prinsipal : (adj) main, principal.
prinsipio : (n) principle; beginning.
prison : (n) jail; prison.
privado : (adj) (not public) private.
privar (de) : to deprive (of), to deny.
proa : (n) (of ship) bow.
probable : probable.
probablemente : probably.
probablida’ : probability, chance.
problema : problem.
procsimamente : (adv) nearby.
pro’csimo : (adj) near, nearby; (adj) EL … MAS ~ the nearest … ; ~ A (prep) near (to), close to.
producsion : production; creation.
productor : producer.
produser : to produce; to create.
produto : product; ~ PRINSIPAL main product, staple.
profesion : profession.
profesional : professional.
profesor : teacher.
profitar se (di) : to profit (from); to take advantage (of).
profito : (n) profit; advantage.
profundida’ : depth; DE POCA ~ (adj) (not deep) shallow.
profundo : deep.
programa : (n) program.
programar : to program.
progreso : (n) progress; FASER PROGRESOS to progress.
proi’be : See: proiber.
proiber {irregular present and imperative tenses: proi’be} : to prohibit.
projetar : to stick out; to project; to beam.
projeto : (n) project.
promesa : (n) promise, pledge.
prometer : to promise, to pledge.
pronome : pronoun.
pronosticar : to forecast, to project; to prognosticate.
prono’stico : (n) forecast; prognosis.
pronto : ready.
pronunsiar : to pronounce.
pronunsiasion : pronunciation.
propagar (se) : to propagate; to spread.
propension : tendency.
propenso a : inclined to, tending to; ~ A SUISIDIO suicidal.
proponer : to propose, to suggest.
proporsion : (n) (proportion) rate; ratio.
proposision : proposition, suggestion; proposal, plan.
proprieda’ : property; ~ LITERARIA (n) copyright.
proprietario : owner.
proprio : (adj) own {precedes noun if any}; MIO ~ LIBRO my own book.
proseso : (n) process.
protejer : to protect; to shield.
protestante : Protestant.
protestar : to protest; ~ CONTRA to protest against, to object to.
protestasion : (n) protesting; objection.
protuberansa : (n) (protuberance) bump, lump.
prova : (test) trial.
provar : to test, to try out.
proveder : to provide, to supply.
provinsia : (section of a nation) state; province.
provision : (n) supply.
prudensa : prudence, sense, wisdom.
prudente : (prudent) wise; sensible.
pruna : plum; ~ SECA prune.
pruritar : to itch.
prurito : (n) itch.
publicar : to publish.
publicasion : publication.
pu’blico : public.
pu’dico : bashful, modest.
pudor : bashfulness, modesty.
pulea : pulley.
puler : (tr) to shine, to polish.
pulmon : lung.
pulsar : to pulsate.
pulsasion : (n) pulse; pulsation.
pulso : wrist.
punialar : to stab.
punialata : (n) stab.
punio : fist.
punta : (n) (endpoint) tip, end.
punto : (n) (punctuation) period; point; FASER PUNTOS to score points; ~ DE VISTA point of view; ~ DE COSTURA (n) stitch.
puntual : (adj) prompt, punctual.
puntualmente : promptly.
purificar : to purify.
puro : pure.
purpurio : (adj) purple.
putrefaser : (tr) to rot, to make rot; ~ SE (intr) to rot.
putrefasido : rotten.
racontar : to recount, to tell, to relate.
raconto : story, tale.
radar : (n) radar.
radiasion : radiation.
radio : radio.
radioactivo : radioactive.
radiografi’a : (n) (photograph) x-ray; (v) See: radiografiar.
radiografiar {irregular present and imperative tenses: radiografi’a} : to x-ray.
radise : (n) root.
raia : (n) stripe.
raio : (energy) beam; ray; RAIOS ECSE (n) (energy) x-rays.
ramo : (n) (of tree) branch.
rana : frog.
rango : (n) rank.
ranura : (n) slot.
rapidamente : (adv) quickly, fast.
rapidida’ : (n) speed.
ra’pido : (adj) fast, quick, rapid.
raro : rare.
rasa : (racial group) race.
rason : (rationality) reason.
rasonable : reasonable.
raspadura : (n) (mark) scratch.
raspar : to scratch, to scrape.
rastrilar : (v) to rake.
rastrilo : (n) rake.
rasuradora : (n) razor.
rasurar (se) : to shave.
rasurata : (n) shave.
rateta : mouse.
rato : rat.
re- : prefix for again or back.
re : r.
real : real, actual.
realida’ : reality; EN ~ in fact, indeed.
realisar : to achieve, to attain.
realisasion : achievement, attainment.
realista : realistic; realist.
realmente : actually, really.
rebelante : (n) rebel; (adj) rebellious.
rebelar se : (v) to rebel.
rebelion : rebellion.
recambio : replacement; DE ~ (adj) spare.
reclamar (de) : to complain (about).
reclamo : (n) complaint.
recoler : to pick up, to collect, to gather; to harvest, to reap; ~ SE to congregate, to gather.
recolita : (n) harvest; gathering, collection.
recomendar : to recommend.
recomendasion : recommendation.
recompensa : (n) reward.
recompensar : to reward.
reconosensa : admission, recognition.
reconoser : to admit, to recognize.
reconsiliar (se) : to reconcile.
reconsiliasion : reconciliation.
re’cor : (n) (athletic, etc.) record.
recordar : to remind; ~ DE to remind about, to remind of; ~ SE (DE) to remember (about); NO ~ SE (DE) to forget (about).
recta’ngulo : rectangle.
redacsion : editing.
redacsionar : to edit.
redactor : editor.
rede : net; network.
re’dito : income.
reducsion : (n) decrease.
reduser (se) : to decrease.
referensa : reference.
referer (a) : to refer (to).
reflecsion : reflection.
reflecsivo : reflective; reflexive.
refleter : (v) to reflect.
reforma : (n) reform.
reformar : to reform.
refrescar : to refresh.
refridar (se) : to cool.
refrijeradora : refrigerator.
refrijerar : to refrigerate.
refujado : refugee.
refujar se : (v) to take refuge.
refujo : (n) refuge.
refusado : (n) reject.
refusar : to reject, to refuse.
refusata : refusal, rejection.
regal : (adj) royal.
regalar : to treat someone to, to give as a gift, to regale with.
regalo : (n) treat, gift.
regla : (n) rule.
regular : (adj) regular; ordinary.
rei : king.
reincarnar : reincarnate.
reincarnasion : reincarnation.
reiterar : (to reiterate, to say again) to repeat.
reiterasion : (reiteration, saying again) repetition.
rejistradora : recorder; tape recorder.
rejistrar : to record; to tape; ~ COMO PROPRIEDA’ LITERARIA to copyright, to register the copyright of.
rejistro : (n) (that which is recorded) record; recording.
rejon : region.
rel : rail; RELES train tracks, rails.
relampo : lightning.
relasion : relationship; ~ AMOROSA love affair.
relasiones : relations; relationships; ~ SECSUALES sexual relations.
relativo : (adj) relative; ~ A (prep) concerning, about, regarding, related to.
relijon : religion.
relijoso : religious.
remar : to paddle, to row.
remo : (n) paddle, oar.
remover : to remove, to take off.
rena : queen.
render : (to hand over) to deliver.
rendimento : (handing over) delivery.
renion : kidney.
reno : kingdom.
Reno Unido : United Kingdom.
renunsiar : to give up, to quit; (a job) to resign; ~ UN POSTO to quit a job.
renunsiasion : (n) quitting; (quitting a job) resignation.
reparado : repaired, fixed, mended.
reparar : to repair, to fix, to mend.
reparasion : (n) repair.
repeler : to repel.
repentente : repentant, sorry.
repenter se (de) : to be sorry (for), to repent (for), to regret (having done something).
repentimento : (n) regret, repentance.
Repete, por favor : I beg your pardon, please repeat.
repeter : to repeat.
repetision : repetition; (computer programming) loop.
reportaje : (n) report.
reportar : to report.
reposar : to rest.
reposo : (n) resting, rest.
represa : (n) dam.
representante : (n) representative.
representar : to represent; (as an actor) to act, to perform.
representativo : (adj) representative.
reprimer : (v) to repress.
reptil : reptile.
repu’blica : republic.
Repu’blica Slovaca : Slovak Republic.
Repu’blica Tjeca : Czech Republic.
reputasion : reputation.
resente : (adj) recent.
resentemente : (adv) recently.
reserva : (n) (reserved area) reserve, reservation.
reservar : to reserve.
reservasion : reservation.
reseta : recipe; ~ ME’DICA medical prescription.
resever : to receive, to get.
resiclar : to recycle.
residensa : residence.
residente : resident.
resider : to reside, to live.
resinar se (a) : to become resigned (to), to resign oneself (to).
resinasion : (being resigned to something) resignation.
resipiente : container.
resistensa : resistance.
resistente : (adj) durable; resistant.
resister : to resist.
resolusion : solution; resolution.
resolver : (v) to solve; to resolve.
resorte : (metal) spring.
respetar : to respect.
respeto : (n) respect.
respirar : to breathe.
respirasion : (n) breath, breathing, respiration.
responder : to answer, to reply.
respondita : (n) answer.
responsable : (accountable) responsible.
responsablida’ : (accountability) responsibility.
resposta : (n) answer, reply.
restar : to remain, to stay; to be left (over).
resto : (n) remainder, rest.
restorante : (n) restaurant.
restricsion : restriction.
restrinjer : (v) to restrict.
resultado : (n) result.
resultar : to result; ~ EN to result in.
retardar : to delay; ~ SERVISIO PAR to delay service to, to bump.
retardo : (n) delay.
retener {irregular present and imperative tenses: retiene} : to keep, to retain.
retiene : See: retener.
retirar (se) : (v) to withdraw.
retornar : (intr) to return, to go back; (tr) to give back, to return.
retorno : (n) return.
retrato : portrait.
reu’ne : See: reuner.
reuner se (con) {present and imperative tenses: reu’ne} : to meet (with), to rendezvous (with).
reunion : meeting, appointment; ~ ROMA’NTICA (romantic) date.
reve’ : See: rever.
revelar : to reveal; (photographically) to develop.
revelasion : revelation; (photographic) development.
rever {irregular present tense: reve’} : to see again; A ~! See you later!
reverso : reverse; AL ~ reversed, backward.
revista : magazine.
revolusion : revolution.
rico : rich.
rider : to laugh.
ridi’culo : ridiculous; PONER EN ~ to ridicule.
ri’jido : rigid; stiff.
rima : (n) rhyme.
rimar : (v) to rhyme.
ri’o : river.
risa : (n) laugh, laughter.
riscar : (v) to risk.
risco : (n) risk.
riso : (n) curl; loop.
ritmo : rhythm.
riva : riverbank.
robador : thief.
robar : to steal; ~ DI to steal from, to rob.
robata : theft.
robote : robot.
rocete : (n) rocket.
roda : wheel.
rojo : red.
rolar : to roll; (airplane) to taxi.
rolo : (n) (paper, tape, etc.) roll.
Romania : Romania.
romaniano : Romanian.
roma’nico : (adj) (neo-Latin) Romance.
romaniese : (language) Romanian.
Romanova : (a Romance interlanguage) Romanova.
roma’ntico : romantic.
romper (se) : to break; to burst.
ronda : (of drinks, or doing rounds) round.
rosa : rose.
rosado : (adj) pink.
rotundo : (adj) round; FASER ~ to round off; FASER ~ CON AUMENTO to round up; FASER ~ CON REDUCSION to round down.
rude : rough; rude.
ruga : (n) wrinkle.
rugar : to wrinkle.
ruinas : (n) ruins, wreckage.
rumor : noise; rumor; FASER UN ~ to make a noise; AVE UN ~ CE… There’s a rumor that….
Rusia : Russia.
-s : (after vowel) suffix for plural.
sa : (letter) z.
sa’bado : Saturday.
saber : (a fact) to know.
sabon : soap.
sabor : (n) flavor, taste; DAR ~ A to flavor; TENER ~ DE to taste like; TENER UN ~ ESTRANIO to have a strange taste.
sabotaje : (n) sabotage.
sabotar : (v) to sabotage.
saco : (n) sack.
sacrificar : (v) to sacrifice.
sacrifisio : (n) sacrifice.
sal : (n) salt.
sala : (large room) hall.
salado : salty.
salario : wages; salary; pay.
saliva : saliva, spit.
salmora : brine; PREPARAR CON ~ to pickle.
Salmorasur : (planet) Earth.
salon (de belida’) : beauty parlor.
salsa : sauce.
salsija : sausage.
saltar : to jump, to leap, to spring; to bounce.
salto : (n) jump, leap; bounce.
salu’ : health.
saludar : to greet, to salute.
saludo : greeting, salutation.
salvamento : (n) rescue.
salvar : to rescue, to save.
salvasion : salvation.
salvo : (prep) except for, apart from.
sanduije : sandwich.
sangue : blood.
sano : healthy.
santificar : to hallow.
santo : (adj) holy; (n) holy one; saint.
sarcasmo : sarcasm.
sarca’stico : sarcastic.
saserdote : priest.
sason : (n) (time) season.
sate’lite : satellite.
satisfacsion : satisfaction.
satisfaser : to satisfy.
satisfasido : (adj) content; satisfied.
Saturno : Saturn.
savio : knowledgeable, wise.
scafandro : spacesuit; diving suit.
scala : (n) (relative size) scale.
scalera : staircase; stairs; ~ DE INSENDIO fire escape; ~ PORTABLE ladder.
sca’pula : shoulder.
sceleto : skeleton.
sci : (n) ski; ESCORRER SE EN SCIS to ski.
sclavo : (n) slave.
scoba : broom.
scobar : to sweep.
scola : school.
scriver : to write; ~ CON MA’CINA to type; ~ CON BOTONERO to type.
scuadra : (n) team.
scudela : (n) (deep round dish) bowl.
scudo : (n) shield.
sculper : to sculpt; to carve.
scultura : (n) sculpture; carving.
se : (letter) s.
se : himself; herself; itself; themselves; oneself.
sea : See: ser.
sebola : onion.
secar : to dry.
seco : (adj) dry.
secreto : (noun, adj) secret.
secsion : section.
secso : sex.
secsual : sexual.
secuensa : sequence.
secuestrador : kidnapper.
secuestrar : to kidnap.
secuestro : kidnapping.
securida’ : safety; security.
securo : safe; secure.
sede : (n) thirst; TENER ~ to be thirsty, to thirst.
sedente : thirsty.
sedia : seat; chair.
seducsion : seduction.
seductivo : seductive.
seduser : to seduce.
segadora : (n) (tool) saw.
segar : to saw, to cut with a saw.
segente : (adj) following; next.
seger : to follow.
segundo : (n) (time unit) second.
seguro : certain; sure.
selebrar : to celebrate.
selebrasion : celebration.
selecsion : (n) choice.
selecsionar : to choose, to select.
Selene : Earth’s moon.
selibato : celibacy.
se’libe : celibate.
semana : week.
semblante : facial expression.
seme : (n) seed; PONER SEMES EN to seed.
se’men : semen.
semento : (n) concrete.
sempre : always.
senario : (theater) scene.
senero : brassiere.
senial : (n) (roadsign, lettered sign, etc.) sign; signal; ~ DE LINIA OCUPADA busy signal.
senialar : to signal.
senior : mister; Lord.
seniorela : Ms.
seno : breast.
sensas : ashes.
sensasion : sensation, feeling.
sensero : ashtray.
sensible : sensitive.
sensura : (n) censure; reproach.
sensurar : to censure; to reproach.
sentado : (adj) seated, sitting; SER ~ to sit, to be sitting, to be seated.
sentar : to seat; ~ SE to sit down.
sentensa : (n) (for crime) sentence.
sentensar : to sentence.
senter : (tr) to feel, to sense (may be followed by noun); ~ SE to feel (may be followed by adjective).
sente’simo : (ordinal) hundredth.
sentieme : (fraction) hundredth.
sentimento : sentiment, feeling.
sentimetro : centimeter.
sentito : (n) (of the five senses, etc.) sense; ~ DE VER ability to see, sight, vision; ~ DE OIER ability to hear, hearing; ~ DE SENTER ODORES ability to smell, sense of smell.
sento : hundred; PER ~ per cent.
sentral : central.
sentro : (n) center; (of a city) downtown; PONER EN EL ~ to center.
separado : (adj) separate.
separar (se) : to separate, to part.
septembre : September.
sepulcro : grave; tomb.
sepultura : (of the dead) burial.
ser {irregular tenses: present: es; preterit: fu; imperfect: era; imperative: sea} : to be; ~ TROVADO EN to be at, to be found at; ES BONO CE… It’s good that…; ES LA UNA It’s one o’clock; ES LAS TRES It’s three o’clock.
sera : evening.
sereal : cereal.
serebro : brain.
seremonia : (n) ceremony; ritual; ~ DE MATRIMONIO wedding.
seremonial : (adj) ceremonial; ritual.
seresa : cherry.
serie : series.
seringa : syringe.
serio : serious.
sero : zero.
serpente : snake.
serrado : closed.
serradura : (n) lock; SERRAR CON UNA ~ to lock.
serrar (se) : to close.
serrelampo : (n) zipper.
serto : a certain; ~ OME a certain man.
serume : (n) wax; PONER ~ EN to wax.
servedor : (of a restaurant) waiter; waitress; (person) server, servant.
servedora : (machine) server.
server : to serve.
servieta : napkin.
servisio : service; SER DE ~ to be on duty.
servo : deer.
sesar : (tr) to stop {some activity}, to cease {some activity}; ~ DE {infinitivo} to stop {doing something}; FASER {alguna persona o cosa} ~ {una cosa} (tr) to make {someone or something} stop {some activity}; FASER {alguna persona o cosa} ~ DE {infinitivo} to make {someone or something} stop {doing something}; ~ DE ANDAR to stop oneself from moving, to stop.
sesta : basket.
sete : seven.
setenta : seventy.
setente’simo : (ordinal) seventieth.
setentieme : (fraction) seventieth.
sete’simo : (ordinal) seventh.
setieme : (fraction) seventh.
sfera : sphere.
sfe’rico : spherical.
si : (conj) if, provided (that); whether; (adv) (opposite of no) yes.
sibilar : to hiss.
sibilata : (n) hiss.
siciatra : psychiatrist.
siclo : (n) cycle.
siclomotor : moped.
sico’logo : psychologist.
sicoloji’a : psychology.
sicolo’jico : psychological.
sida : AIDS.
sidadano : citizen.
sieclo : century.
siego : (adj) blind.
sielo : sky.
siensa : science.
siensista : scientist.
sienti’fico : scientific.
siesta : (n) nap.
sifladora : (n) (instrument) whistle.
siflar : to whistle.
sifra : (n) (cryptographic or symbolic) code.
sifrar : to encrypt.
sigareto : cigarette.
sigaro : cigar.
si’laba : syllable.
silensio : (n) silence, quiet.
silento : silent, quiet.
silindro : cylinder.
silvestre : (adj) wild.
sima : top; summit; EN LA ~ (DE) on top (of).
si’mbolo : symbol.
similar : (adj) alike, similar.
similarmente : (adv) alike.
simio : (simian) ape; monkey.
simpati’a : (n) getting along well with someone.
simpa’tico : (congenial) nice, pleasant.
simpatisar : to sympathize; to get along well with.
simple : simple.
since’simo : (ordinal) fifth.
sincieme : (fraction) fifth.
sinco : five.
sincronisar : (v) to synchronize.
sincronisasion : synchronization.
sincuenta : fifty.
sincuente’simo : (ordinal) fiftieth.
sincuentieme : (fraction) fiftieth.
sindicato : labor union.
singular : singular.
sinificar : (to signify) to mean.
sinificasion : (n) meaning, sense.
sinistra : (n) (not right) left; A ~ (adv) (not to the right) to the left.
sinistrista : (left-wing) leftist.
sinistro : (adj) (not right) left.
sinsa : without; ~ VALOR without value, worthless.
sinsero : sincere.
sinta : (n) tape; ribbon; FASER ADERER CON ~ to stick on with tape, to tape.
sintetisar : (v) to synthesize.
si’ntoma : symptom.
sintura : (n) waist.
sinturero : (n) belt.
sinuoso : winding, meandering.
sirca : approximately, about.
sirco : circus.
sircostansas : circumstances.
sircuito : circuit.
si’rculo : circle; (shape) ring.
sircundar : to surround.
sis : six.
sisenta : sixty.
sisente’simo : (ordinal) sixtieth.
sisentieme : (fraction) sixtieth.
sise’simo : (ordinal) sixth.
sisieme : (fraction) sixth.
sistema : system.
sisterna : (for liquid) tank.
sitar : to quote.
sitasion : (n) quotation, quote.
situasion : situation.
sivilisasion : civilization.
so : (prep) below, under.
sobra : (prep) above; on top of, on.
sobravivensa : survival.
sobraviver : (v) to survive.
soda : soda pop.
sofocar (se) : to suffocate; ~ EN LA AGUA to drown.
soja : soybean.
Sol : Earth’s sun.
sol : sun; SER ARDIDO POR EL ~ to get sunburned.
soldado : soldier.
soldar : (v) to weld.
solene : solemn.
soler {followed by an infinitive} : to be in the habit of {doing something}.
solia : (fish) sole.
so’lido : (adj) solid, firm; (n) (neither gas nor liquid) solid.
solisitar : to ask for, to request; to apply (for); (to request merchandise) to order; ELI DEVE ~ UN LIBRO DI CARLO He should ask Carlo for a book; ~ {una cosa di Dio, etse’tera} to pray {to God, etc., for something}; ~ AIUDA {di Dio, etse’tera, par alguna persona} to pray {to God, etc., for help for someone}.
solisitasion : (n) request; application; (of merchandise) order; (religious, to God, etc.) prayer.
solitario : lone, only; alone.
solo {or solamente} : (adv) only; alone; UN ~ … (just one) a single ….
solo’jico : zoo.
soltera : bachelorette.
soltere : (adj) (unmarried) single; (n) (unmarried) single person {See: soltero; See: soltera}.
soltero : bachelor.
soma : amount, sum.
somar : to total, to add (up).
son : (n) sound.
sona : area.
sonar : (music) to play; to ring; to sound.
sonda : (n) (device) probe.
sondaje : (n) survey; scan; (of public opinion) poll.
sondar : to probe; to scan; to survey; (to probe public opinion) to poll; ~ INJUSTAMENTE to snoop, to pry (into).
soniar : to dream; ~ ESVELIADO to daydream.
sonio : (n) dream; ~ ESVELIADO (n) daydream.
soplar : to blow.
soportar : to withstand, to stand, to bear.
sora : sister.
sorbete : sherbet.
so’rdido : (adj) (soiled) dirty; sordid.
sordo : deaf.
sorprender : to surprise.
sorpresa : (n) surprise.
sorrider : to smile.
sorrisa : (n) smile.
sosial : social.
sosieda’ : society.
sospeta : suspicion.
sospetado : (noun, adj) suspect; (adj) (suspected) suspicious.
sospetante : (adj) (suspecting) suspicious.
sospetar : to suspect.
soterra : cellar.
spada : sword.
spasial : (adj) space, spacial.
spasio : (room) space; ~ CO’SMICO (cosmic) space.
specta’culo : (n) show.
speransa : (n) hope.
sperar : to hope.
spesial : special.
spesialida’ : specialty, speciality.
spesialista : specialist.
spesialmente : especially.
spesie : species.
spesificar : (v) to specify.
spesificasion : specification.
spesi’fico : specific.
spina : spine.
spinacas : spinach.
spiral : spiral.
spi’rito : spirit.
sponja : sponge.
sporte : sport.
sposa : wife; EL PADRE DE MIA ~ my father-in-law.
sposado : (adj) married.
sposar : (to make married) to marry; ~ SE (CON) to get married (to).
spose : spouse.
sposo : husband; LA SORA DE TUO ~ your sister-in-law.
spuma : foam.
sputar : to spit.
stado : nation, state.
Stados Unidos : United States.
stadounidano : (from the U.S.) American.
stampa : (n) print.
stampilia : (n) (rubber) stamp.
standardisado : (adj) standard, standardized.
standardisar : to standardize.
standardo : (n) (uniform model) standard.
stanio : (n) (metal) tin.
star : (used with health or progressive tense) to be; (to be standing) to stand; ~ BIEN to be well; ~ MAL to be ill, to be sick.
starnudar : to sneeze.
starnudata : (n) sneeze.
stasion : (n) station.
stasionadero : parking lot.
stasionamento : parking.
stasionar : to park.
statua : statue.
stela : (hydrogen) star.
stilo : (n) style; ~ DE PELOS hairstyle.
sto’mago : (n) (organ for food) stomach.
strato : layer.
structura : (n) structure.
studiador : student.
studiar : to study.
studio : (n) study.
stufa : stovetop, stove.
stu’pido : (adj) stupid.
stuprar : to rape.
stupro : (n) rape.
suave : soft; gentle.
subitamente : suddenly.
su’bito : sudden.
submarino : (n) submarine.
sucursal : (n) (business) branch.
Suda’frica : South Africa.
Sudame’rica : South America.
sude : south; DEL ~ southern.
Suesia : Sweden.
sufrer : to suffer.
sufrimento : suffering.
sugo : juice.
Suisa : Switzerland.
suisidado : (n) (person) suicide.
suisidar se : to commit suicide.
suisidio : (n) (act) suicide.
sujeto : (n) (grammatical) subject.
sujuntivo : subjunctive.
sulco : (n) furrow; groove.
sumerjer (se) : to sink; to submerge.
sumeter : to subject; ~ SE (A) to submit oneself (to), to subject oneself (to).
sumision : submission.
suo {stressed on the u} : (singular possessive) her; his; its; of hers; of his; EL ~ hers; his; its; ~ PROPRIO her own; his own; its own.
suolo : (under foot) floor; ground.
suos {stressed on the u} : (plural possessive) her; his; its; of hers; of his; LOS ~ hers; his; its; ~ PROPRIOS her own; his own; its own.
supa : soup.
superfise : (n) surface; (measure) area.
superfisial : superficial, shallow.
superior : (adj) upper.
supero : (n) (for soup) bowl.
supervisador : supervisor.
supervisar : (v) to supervise.
suplicar : to beg.
suplicasion : begging.
supresion : suppression.
suprimer : (v) to suppress.
suspender : (tr) to hang.
sustansa : substance.
sustantivo : noun.
sustentador : (n) sponsor; supporter.
sustentar : (financially or figuratively) to support; to sponsor.
sustentasion : (n) support.
sustitu’e : See: sustituer.
sustituer {irregular present and imperative tenses: sustitu’e} : (v) to substitute for.
sustituto : (n, adj) substitute.
susurrar : to whisper.
susurro : (n) whisper.
suterranio : subway.
sutracsion : subtraction.
sutraer {irregular past participle: sutrai’do} : to subtract.
sutrai’do : See: sutraer.
suversivo : subversive.
tabaco : tobacco.
tabla : wooden board; plank; ~ GRA’FICA graphic table; chart.
tacsi : (n) taxi; cab.
taiar : to carve.
Tailandia : Thailand.
taja : (n) stain; blemish.
tal : (singular) such (a).
talento : talent.
tales : (plural) such.
talo : (n) stem.
tamben : also, too.
tambor : (n) drum.
tampon : tampon.
tance : (n) (military) tank.
tanto : (adv) so, so much; ~ {adjective or adverb} COMO as {adjective or adverb} as; ~ COMO as much as; ~ GRANDE COMO as big as.
tantos : so many; ~ COMO as many as.
tapete : carpet; rug.
tapon : (n) (electric) plug.
taponar : to plug in.
tarde : (adj) (near the end) late.
tardemente : (adv) (near the end) late.
tardivamente : (adv) (after the expected time) late.
tardivo : (adj) (after the expected time) late.
tarifa : (n) tariff.
tasa : (n) cup; ~ DE VIDRO drinking glass.
taser se : to be quiet, to be silent, not to speak.
taso : (n) (commercial) rate.
te : (letter) t.
te : (singular non-subject pronoun) you.
teatro : theater.
te’cnica : technique.
tecnicista : technician.
te’cnico : (adj) technical.
tecnoloji’a : technology.
tecnolo’jico : technological.
tecsto : text.
tei : tea.
tela : cloth, material, fabric; ~ DE MANO handkerchief.
telefonar : to phone, to telephone, to call.
telefonata : (n) phone call, telephone call.
tele’fono : (n) phone, telephone.
telescopio : telescope.
television : (n) (medium) television.
televisor : television set.
tema : subject, matter; theme.
temer : to fear.
temor : (n) fear.
temperamento : temperament.
temperatura : temperature.
tempeto : (n) short while, short time.
tempo : (n) (hours, minutes, etc.) time; (n) while; EN ESO ~ during that time, at that time, then; ~ MUSICAL tempo, beat; ~ DEL VERBO verb tense; DURANTE MULTO ~ for a long time.
temporaniamente : (adv) temporarily.
temporanio : (adj) temporary.
tempranamente : (adv) (near the beginning) early.
temprano : (adj) (near the beginning) early.
tenda : tent.
tener {irregular present and imperative tenses: tiene} : (to possess) to have; to hold; NO ~ (MAS) to be out of; ~ CALOR to be hot.
tension : (n) tension, stress.
tenso : (adj) tense.
tentar : to try, to attempt.
tentasion : temptation; DAR ~ A to tempt.
tentata : (n) attempt, try.
teori’a : theory.
teo’rico : theoretical.
terminado : (adj) ended, finished, done, over.
terminar : to end, to terminate, to stop, to cease; ~ LA TELEFONATA to hang up, to end a telephone call.
terminata : (n) end, finish.
te’rmino : term.
Terra : (planet) Earth.
terra : dirt, earth, ground.
terremoto : earthquake.
terreno : (piece of ground) plot; patch; yard; ~ DE DORSO back yard; ~ DE FRENTE front yard.
territorio : territory.
terror : terror.
terrorismo : terrorism.
terrorista : terrorist.
teser : to weave.
tesoreri’a : treasury.
tesoro : (n) treasure.
testamento : (n) (document) will.
testi’culo : testicle.
testil : textile.
testimoniante : (n) testifier, witness.
testimoniar : (v) to testify, to bear witness.
testimonio : testimony.
teta : nipple.
teto : (n) roof; ~ INTERIOR ceiling.
ti’a : aunt.
ti’e : uncle or aunt.
tiempo : weather; EL ~ ES CA’LIDO the weather is hot; EL ~ ES FRIDO the weather is cold; EL ~ ES PLUVIOSO the weather is rainy; EL ~ ES VENTOSO the weather is windy; EL ~ FASE CALOR the weather is hot; EL ~ FASE FRIDO the weather is cold; EL ~ FASE PLUVIA the weather is rainy; EL ~ FASE VENTO the weather is windy.
tiene : See: tener.
tigre : tiger.
timbre postal : (n) postage stamp.
tina : tub; vat.
tinta : (n) pigment; coloring; ~ DE FASA (n) make-up; ~ DE MURO house paint; ~ DE PAREDE wall paint; ~ DE PLUMA ink.
ti’o : uncle.
ti’pico : typical.
tipo : (n) kind, type, model; NENGUNO ~ DE no kind of.
tirar : to pull; (on the ground or the floor) to drag; (a vehicle, etc.) to tow.
tirata : (n) pull.
ti’tulo : (n) title.
tjau : goodbye.
toaia : (n) towel.
tocar : to touch.
tocata : (n) touch.
to’csico : poisonous, toxic.
tocsina : (n) poison, toxin.
todavi’a : (adv) (still) even now; even then; even so, nevertheless.
todo : (singular) all; everything; ~ EL … the entire …, the whole …; all of the ….
todos : (plural) all; ~ LOS … all of the ….
tomate : tomato.
tomo : (book) volume.
tono : (n) tone, pitch.
tormenta : (n) storm.
tornado : tornado.
torre : (n) tower.
torser (se) : to twist.
torsita : (n) twist.
torta : (n) pie.
tortruga : turtle.
tortura : (n) torture.
torturar : to torture.
tose : (n) cough.
toser : to cough.
tostar : (cooking) to toast.
total : (n) total, count; ~ DE PUNTOS (n) score.
tradision : tradition.
tradisional : traditional.
traducsion : translation.
traductor : translator.
traduser : to translate.
tra’fico : (n) (vehicular) traffic.
traison : betrayal; ~ NASIONAL treason.
traisonar : (v) to betray.
trajedia : tragedy.
tra’jico : tragic.
transijensa : (n) compromise.
transijer : to compromise, to settle, to reach a middle position.
trasferensa : transference.
trasferer (se) : to transfer.
trasparente : transparent.
traspirar : to sweat, to perspire.
traspirasion : (n) sweat, perspiration.
trasplantar : (v) to transplant.
trasplantasion : (n) transplant.
trasportar : to transport, to ship.
trasportasion : transportation.
tratamento : treatment.
tratar : to treat, to deal with; to process.
trava : (crosspiece) beam.
travaiar : to work, to labor.
travaieto : (n) task, chore.
travaio : (n) work.
tregua : truce.
tren : (n) (railroad) train.
trenta : thirty.
trente’simo : (ordinal) thirtieth.
trentieme : (fraction) thirtieth.
tres : three.
trese’simo : (ordinal) third.
tresieme : (fraction) third.
tria’ngulo : triangle.
tribu : tribe.
trisiclo : tricycle.
triste : (adj) sad.
triunfar : to succeed.
triunfo : (n) success.
trocar : to exchange, to trade.
trocata : (n) exchange, trade.
trompa : (musical) horn.
tronar : to thunder.
tronata : (n) thunder.
troncar : to cut off.
tropical : tropical.
tro’picos : tropics.
trovar : to find {something or someone that one is looking for}.
truta : trout.
tu : (singular subject pronoun) you.
tualeta : (bodily cleansing and preparation) toilet.
tuberculosi : tuberculosis.
tubo : tube; pipe.
tu’nel : (n) tunnel; FASER UN ~ to tunnel, to build a tunnel.
tuo {stressed on the u} : (singular) your; of yours; EL ~ yours.
tuorca : (mechanics) nut.
tuos {stressed on the u} : (plural) your; of yours; LOS ~ yours.
Turci’a : (country) Turkey.
turismo : tourism.
turista : tourist.
turno : (n) (someone’s turn) turn; (someone’s turn to work) shift.
u : u.
Ucraina : Ukraine.
ue : (letter) w.
u’lsera : (n) ulcer.
u’ltimamente : (adv) lastly, last.
u’ltimo : (adj) last; latest; EL ~ ANIO last year.
umano : human.
u’mido : (adj) wet; FASER ~ to wet.
un {or una} : (article) a, an.
uner (se) : to unite.
une’simo : (ordinal) first.
ungia : fingernail, nail; claw.
Ungri’a : Hungary.
u’nico : (adj) only.
unida’ : (n) unit.
uniforme : uniform.
union : (together) union.
universida’ : university; college.
universo : universe.
uno : (number or pronoun) one; UNA a, an; EL ~ EL OTRO each other; LOS UNOS LOS OTROS each other.
unos (or unas) : (plural) some.
uracan : (tropical storm) hurricane.
Urano : Uranus.
urina : urine.
urinar : to urinate.
urjensa : emergency.
urjente : urgent.
usante : user.
usar : to use.
uso : (n) use.
usual : usual.
usualmente : usually.
u’tero : uterus; womb.
u’til : useful.
uva : grape; ~ SECA raisin.
va : (movement) go, goes {See: andar}; (a future tense) is going to, are going to, am going to.
vacansa : (trip) vacation.
vacsina : vaccine.
vacsinar : (v) to vaccinate.
vacsinasion : vaccination.
vacuida’ : (n) (emptiness) vacuum.
vacuo : (adj) empty; hollow.
vagar : to wander.
vagon : train car.
vajina : vagina.
vale : valley.
valer : (v) to be worth; ~ EL ESFORSO to be worth the trouble.
va’lido : valid.
valor : (n) value; worth; DE POCO ~ of little value, cheap.
va’lvula : valve.
vanida’ : (being vain) vanity.
vanilia : vanilla.
vano : vain.
vapor : steam; vapor.
varieda’ : (difference) variety.
varios : (diverse) various.
vasto : (adj) huge, vast, wide.
ve : v; {See: ver}.
vei’culo : vehicle; ~ TIRADO trailer.
vejiga : bladder.
vela : (n) sail.
vena : vein.
vendedero : (n) shop, store.
vendedor : salesperson.
vender : to sell.
vendita : (n) (action of selling) sale.
vener {irregular present and imperative tenses: viene} : to come.
venerdi’a : Friday.
Venesuela : Venezuela.
vengansa : revenge, vengeance.
vengar se (de) : to take revenge (on).
venser : to conquer, to defeat, to win against, to beat.
vente’simo : (ordinal) twentieth.
venti : twenty.
ventieme : (fraction) twentieth.
ventiladora : (n) (device for moving air) fan.
ventilar : to fan.
vento : (n) (moving air) wind.
ventoso : windy.
ventre : abdomen, stomach, belly.
Venus : Venus.
ver : to see.
veramente : really, truly.
verbo : verb.
verde : green.
vergonia : (n) shame.
vergoniar se : to be ashamed.
vergonioso : (adj) ashamed.
verida’ : truth.
verme : (n) worm.
vero : (adj) true, real.
version : version.
vertical : vertical.
ves : (n) (occasion) time; ALGUNA ~ (at any time) ever; OTRA ~ (repeating something) again; A VESES sometimes; DE {x} VESES {x}-fold.
vester (se) : to dress; ~ CON (clothes) to put on.
vestido : (n) (woman’s) dress.
vestimento : garment, clothing; ~ INTERIOR underwear.
veto : (n) veto; PONER EL ~ A to veto.
vi’a : (n) route, way; path.
viajar : to travel, to journey.
viaje : (n) trip, journey, travel; ~ DE ANDATA I RETORNO round trip; ~ DE UNA DIRECSION one-way trip.
vi’ctima : victim.
victoria : victory.
vida : life.
vidro : glass; ~ REFLECSIVO mirror.
vieio : old.
viene : See: vener.
Vietnam : Vietnam.
vijilante : (adj) alert, vigilant.
vijilia : (day before) eve.
vinagre : vinegar.
vino : wine.
violar : to violate.
violasion : violation.
violensa : (violence) battery.
violentida’ : violence.
violento : violent.
violeta : (n) violet; DE COLOR DE ~ (adj) violet.
violino : violin.
virar : (to change direction) to turn; ~ EN EL A’NGULO to turn the corner.
virata : (n) (change of direction) turn.
vi’rgula de sitasion : quotation mark.
vi’rjen : virgen.
virtu’ : virtue.
virtuoso : virtuous.
virus : virus.
visa : visa.
visible : visible.
visino : (n) neighbor.
visio : (n) vice, depravity.
visioso : vicious, depraved.
visita : (n) visit.
visitante : visitor.
visitar : to visit.
vista : (n) view, sight.
vitamina : vitamin.
vitrina : window.
viuva : widow.
viuvo : widower.
Viva …! : Long live …!
vivente : (adj) alive.
viver : to be alive, to live.
vivo : (adj) alive, live.
vocablario : vocabulary.
vocablo : (n) word.
vocal : vowel.
volar : to fly.
volcano : volcano.
volpe : fox.
volume : volume.
volunta’ : (n) will, wish.
voluntariamente : willingly.
voluntario : (n) volunteer; (adj) willing; SER UN ~ to be a volunteer; OFRESER SE COMO UN ~ to volunteer.
vomitar : to vomit.
vo’mito : (n) vomit.
vos : (plural) you; (respectful singular) you.
vos todos : (plural) you, you all, you guys, yous.
vose : (n) voice.
vostro : (singular possessive of plural or respectful singular) your; of yours; EL ~ yours.
vostros : (plural possessive of plural or respectful singular) your; of yours; LOS ~ yours.
votar : to vote.
voto : (n) vote; ballot.